Chloé x Hero! Reader

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I jump from building to building, never slowing down. The media recently aired that Chloé gave the Bee Miraculous back to Ladybug after being defeated as Queen Wasp.

I want to make sure she's okay. Any sane person would know that what they did was wrong, and I understand that Chloé apologized, but people of her upbringing tend to have trouble admitting they were in the wrong.

Ladybug practically lost the Bee Miraculous from this situation. I hope she never goes through that with me and the Wolf Miraculous.

I land on Chloé's balcony, immediately spotting her sitting in the middle of her bed staring at her phone. I knock softly on the glass, not wanting to startle her.

Chloé looks up and quickly rushes over to the glass door once she sees it's me.


I smile as I enter, my tail swaying behind me.

"The one and only."

I stop and sniff the air. I smell meat, as well as various food types outside the room. My wolf ears twitch as I hear footsteps on the other side of the door.

Someone knocks and Chloé ushers me to the bed before approaching the door.

"Madam Chloé, your father had the kitchen staff prepare all your favorites. He wants you to know that he cares about you and will be there if you need someone to talk to."

That's funny. Mayor Bourgeois can say that all he wants, but it seems like he never is there when Chloé needs him most. I understand that he's busy, but too busy to make time for your own daughter?

Chloé dismisses the butler and pushes the cart over to the side of the bed. There's no way she can eat all of this. She just sits next to me without touching any of the food.

"Uh...Chloé, what about the food?"

For once, Chloé looks up at me with a look that says 'did you really just ask that?'. A cold laugh escapes her.

"The food is the least of my worries right now."

Ah, right. I place a hand on her shoulder, getting her expression to soften.

"I know you're upset. Like, extremely upset right now. The best thing you can do from this point on is grow as a person."

Chloé gives a small smile, but it doesn't last. She suddenly wraps me in an embrace, and for a second I think she's going to start crying.

"How can I possibly grow when I've hurt so many people? I'm solely responsible for most of the akumatizations that have happened. Everyone knows that. Ladybug wouldn't even give me a second chance with the Bee Miraculous!"

I pull Chloé closer and rub circles on her back. Being the keeper of such a powerful item requires anyone to walk on a fine line.

"Chloé, many of those people may not forgive you. That is their choice and you can't force them to change that. As long as you actively try to change your ways, you will grow. This experience on its own is already taking a toll on you, as both of us are aware."

I put Chloé at arms length. I need her to look at me when I say this to her.

"I am confident that Ladybug will give you another chance with the Bee Miraculous eventually. Right now, you need time to reflect on everything in order to fully understand the situation."

I give Chloé my most genuine smile as she processes my words. Slowly, tension leaves her body and a smile makes its way on her face.

"Thank you. I mean that, seriously. Sometimes I feel as if you're the only person I can talk to. Sabrina is there most of the time to do my homework and back me up in petty situations, but you seem to find me at every single low point."

Chloénarrows her eyes at me as if she can figure out who I am just from looking at me. I turn my attention to the food cart.

"Ooooo, is that beef wellington?"

I inhale deeply and tilt my head up. Red wine wellington sauce. Perfect.

Chloé pokes my chest.

"Hey! Don't change-"

I look back at Chloé when she stops herself. Her eyes are wide and it looks like there are gears moving in unison in her head.


My eyes widen. No way. No fucking way Chloé Bourgeois found out that it's me.

She raises her hand toward my neck, but stops a couple inches short. Her finger touches a scar on the underside of my chin. Oh, I guess that could have given my identity away if someone knows I have it.

Regardless, I try to save it. I shake my head, but the words come out before I can even think about them.

"You must be mistaken. Who is this (Y/N) you speak of? They sound like a lovely person."

Chloé gains her usual disgruntled expression and playfully hits my arm. She throws her arms up in exasperation.

"It all makes sense now! Even when you weren't helping Ladybug and Cat Noir fight a villain, you always came to make sure I was okay. Even for the littlest things, you would always show up on the balcony ready to talk."

Chloé looks like she wants to go on, but she stops herself and takes a deep breath while lowering her arms. She looks away.

"...even with all the dumb stuff you do as (Y/N), you are a lovely person."

Chloé keeps averting eye contact with me with her arms crossed. She really is a tsundere.

I walk over to the balcony door.


I turn around as I hear Chloé run over to me. I grab her and kiss her before she says anything. I pull away before Chloé can do anything.

"For what it's worth, I also think you are a lovely person, no matter what others say."

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