Rose x Reader

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"Here you go! I made one for everyone!"

Rose has a huge smile on her face as she gives everyone some kind of charm.

Oh I see. It can go on a bracelet, or be made into a necklace, or it can be used as a keychain, that kind of thing.

As I look at mine, it seems... different. Kind of like Rose put more work into mine than she did with everyone else's.

Still, I like it, and I can tell everyone else likes theirs as well.

"Nice job, Rose. How did you know what my favorite animal was?"

Rose just smiles and looks in her bag. The faces on the others tell me that they gave her that piece of information.

Well, I have a gift of my own to give to Rose, but I don't want to do it in front of the others. I just know they'll all go 'awww! How cute!' or something like that.

I can't handle cute things unless it involves Rose. Rose herself is the definition of cute, so that already throws my heart into a storm.

Ugh, I can't handle it.

For whatever reason, when Rose is around, it's like the world becomes brighter.

I literally see rainbows and unicorns and shit like that even when we're inside. How does she do that? Is it just me?

It has to be, because most of the time the others seem more grounded to reality than I do.

I glance between Rose and my backpack a few times.

How am I going to get both of us alone?

I don't want to ask to talk to her privately, that just looks like there's something going on no matter what I talk to her about.

I can't ask Marinette and the others to leave either. This is her room.

They all look at each other while Rose is distracted.

"Hey, uh, (Y/N), you and Rose can keep an eye on the place right?"

I raise an eyebrow, about to ask where the fuck everyone else is going, but then I understand.

Marinette, you fucking genius. I'll have to pay you back for this sometime.

I quickly nod and they leave just as quickly. I turn to Rose.

"That was weird. Oh well, at least we have each other to talk to!"

I blush as Rose moves closer to me.

Come on, (Y/N). Don't mess this up and don't be a coward!

I reach into my backpack and hold the gift out for Rose.

"For you."

Rose carefully takes the fancy perfume bottle that I spent almost all of my money on.

She gasps as she realizes what it is.

"(Y/N)! You didn't have to. This stuff is expensive!"

I just smile as I shed a tear inside.

"Well, I don't exactly have the craftsmanship that you do, but I still wanted to get you something that you liked."

I rub the back of my neck. Damn, I'm awkward.

I look back when I hear a soft spraying noise. The perfume hits my nose and I smile even wider. This smells just like something Rose would wear.

She suddenly hugs me, causing the aroma to swirl around me.

"Thank you, (Y/N). I'll think of you whenever I wear it."

I look down at Rose and see her already blushing. Her blush darkens as I kiss her on the forehead.

"Then I guess I'll think of you even more whenever I smell it."

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now