Ms. Mendeleiev x Reader - Happy Birthday

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Today's the day!

The bell rings, signaling everyone to start their lunch period. I pack up my stuff carefully, not wanting to ruin the gift in my backpack. Even a small scratch would ruin it.

I find Marinette sitting at a bench with Alya. They scoot aside so I can sit.

"So, are you guys ready for that chemistry quiz?"

I grab my lunch from my backpack as I see Alya cringe.

"That's today? I thought it was next week."

Marinette and I laugh, before I shake my head.

"Unfortunately not, but I will be happy to help you study right before the quiz."

Alya lets out a sigh of relief, while Marinette turns toward me, smiling sheepishly.

"Want me to help you as well?"

She nods. I finish my lunch and take out my chemistry textbook as I wait for them.


"I think I'm ready now."

Alya and Marinette hug me. For helping y'all study for a quiz? I guess they really needed it.

We enter the chemistry classroom. I smile at Ms. Mendeleiev and she smiles back, before returning to her usual glare. I take my respective seat and stay quiet as Ms. Mendeleiev hands papers to everyone.

Upon seeing the quiz, I smile. This will be easy. I look over at Marinette and Alya. Both of them look confident enough to do well. I look back at my own test and get towork.

I finish in a few minutes, flipping the quiz over to draw on the back.

"Time's up! Pencils down!"

I see a few students grimace as Ms. Mendeleiev speaks. I know her voice is off-putting for some, but come on guys. Anyone would admit it's a voice that catches your attention real quick.

After the quizzes are collected, Ms. Mendeleiev just sits at the front grading them. No instructions? She always gives us something to do after a quiz.

Noticing this, other students start to talk amongst themselves, some talking about Ms. Mendeleiev, while others are talking about random things.

When Ms. Mendeleiev finishes grading, this is when things go back into routine. All of us prepare to take notes, and Ms. Mendeleiev is even quicker than we are by writing stuff on the board at lightning speed.

A few students, myself included, keep up with Ms. Mendeleiev through the rest of the class. Everyone else is just struggling to keep up. No one would dare ask her to slow down, since she usually just tells them they should write quicker.

I'll do everyone a favor. I raise my hand.

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

Literally half of the class turns around to look at me.

"Could you go a little slower please? I injured my wrist in a sports accident."

The students that didn't look at me before certainly turn toward me now. Ms. Mendeleiev is quiet for a few seconds.

"Of course."

Once she turns back toward the board, the students mouth 'thank you' and turn back to take notes. I feel bad lying to Ms. Mendeleiev, but I feel like making everyone happy today.

The bell rings.

Everybody packs up quickly, but I stay behind. I dig in my backpack for a bit before carefully pulling out my gift. It may not be much, but it's from the heart. I approach the desk while holding the gift behind my back.

When Ms. Mendeleiev finishes cleaning the board, she turns around.

"Happy birthday."

I smile and reveal the gift: A model of an atom, with Ms. Mendeleiev in the center with several students orbiting around her like electrons.

Yeah, I'm a nerd.

Ms. Mendeleiev gives a small smile, before her expression changes completely.

Are those... tears?

She isn't outright crying, just having tears well up in her eyes. She takes the model from me and carefully sets it on the desk, as if it could crumble with the slightest touch. Honestly, it might, but I won't say that.

When Ms. Mendeleiev makes eye contact with me again, she smiles.

"Thank you, (Y/N)."

I open my mouth to respond, but Ms.Mendeleiev has a bittersweet expression on her face, so I decide to let her talk.

"I apologize for showing my bottled up emotions like this. You're a student, you shouldn't have to deal with my issues."

Yikes. Now I'm feeling sad.

"Ms. Mendeleiev, you don't need to apologize. Everyone deserves a good birthday, and I especially think you do, with the stuff you put up with as a teacher."

After saying that, I glance at Chloé's empty spot, before turning back to Ms. Mendeleiev.

"I do not celebrate my birthday. I find no reason for doing so, as it is truly just one year closer to death."

That's pretty morbid, but understandable.

"Still, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I can't remember the last time someone has ever given me a present, especially a student."

"You're welcome. Anything to make the people I care about happy."

Ms. Mendeleiev looks down at the model and notices a red button. Ah, the true surprise. She looks at me, then back at the button, and presses it.

The model lights up and the subatomic particles start moving. The words 'thank you' show up on the small LED slider at the base.

Ms. Mendeleiev just looks at me. I smile.

"Hey, I have to go all out for my favorite teacher."

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