Luka x Reader Part 4

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I knock on the door. Luka and I have taken Arthur to my parents' house for some bonding time.

From what my mom said, my dad isn't home right now. I think I'm ready to face him now, but I'm still glad I have Luka to back me up.

"(Y/N)! Luka! And is that baby Arthur?"

We enter before we are absolutely smothered in hugs. Luka and I sit on the couch while my mom sits with Arthur on a chair.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing?"


Luka and my mom laugh as they look at me.

"I'm talking about the baby, but you're cute too, sweetie."

She turns her attention back to the baby, and I turn my attention back to Luka as I see them getting along.

This was probably the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.

Yeah, I wanted to have kids eventually, and being a teenager definitely was not it. I'm glad Luka is a supportive father even through the hard times.

Just then, I hear the front door click close.

My heart drops as I see the person I didn't want to see.

"Hey dad..."

He just looks between me and Arthur, then up to my mom who's holding him. His face softens for just a second before returning back to his angry expression.

"Oh, it's you two."

He hangs his jacket and walks by, but I can tell it's killing him to look away. I look at Luka and see him having the same thoughts.

"Would you like to see your grandson?"

My dad stops walking. He sighs before turning back to us.

He approaches my mom and Arthur, but Luka stops him.

"You can hold him if you accept (Y/N) back into your life. You can't be perfectly fine with your grandson, but not with your daughter who brought him into this world."

My dad looks between Luka and me. He's conflicted inside. He's fighting with personal values vs. feelings.

"(Y/N), you know as much as I hate the fact that you're a teenage mother, I do love you. I'm sorry, but it will take time to work on this."

I smile and slowly approach him. He's not angry or looks like he'll start yelling.

"That's fine. If time is all you need, I will be glad to give it to you."

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