Kagami x Nervous! Dancer! Reader

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I poke my head out of the curtain.

There are SO many people here, and at least ninety percent of them aren't here to support me.

I quickly step back once I see the spotlight moving in my direction. I'm definitely not ready to do this at all.

I find Kagami standing quietly where she won't be seen by the audience.

"Hey, are you-"

"I am not ready for this Kagami. I'm so nervous. What if I mess up in front of all those people? That would ruin all chances of being a professional dancer."

Kagami grabs my hands and rubs the back of them with her thumbs. I slow my breathing and she kisses me on the lips.

When she pulls away, my heart is pounding for an entirely different reason than stage fright.

"That was for good luck. (Y/N), you shouldn't be so nervous. You're an excellent dancer. I know you'll win it."

I appreciate Kagami's words, I really do, but I just don't feel like I can do it.

"But Kagami-"

"No. Tell me, what was the scariest thing you've ever done?"

I think for a few moments.

"Asking you out."

Kagami covers her mouth with her hand to hide her smile. She wants to be supportive, but she probably wasn't expecting me to say that.

"Well, we're dating now. Even better, you have my full support. Go out there and imagine I'm the only one in the audience. You always perform flawlessly when it's just the two of us."

One of the event planners clears his throat and points to his watch. I nod and wait until he leaves.

I smile at Kagami for the kind words. She's right. I've done this routine countless times in front of her. She's done nothing but praise me the entire way. I have to do this.

I give Kagami a hug before standing behind the curtains. They begin to part and the spotlight lands on me.

The music starts and I slowly exhale. All eyes are on me, but I know the only ones that matter are Kagami's and the judges.

I clear my mind, imagining myself on a blank canvas as I begin moving.

With each step, more color is added to the painting in my mind. Even the slightest arm movements provide a large addition to the painting.

I keep going. I want to see how the painting is finished.

As I near the end of my routine, I smile as Kagami is fully colored. She's being tipped down and kissed by me. The moon shines in the background, reflecting nicely in the water.

Small fireflies are lighting the area around our feet and form a larger heart around us.

With that, I strike my finishing pose as soon as the song ends.

The audience immediately bursts out into cheers. I smile as some people start whistling. I guess Kagami was right after all.


I stand on stage with the other contestants. The judges have decided on the winner of the dance competition.

I truly thought I did well, but I didn't see the others dance, so there is still the possibility that someone else did better than I did.

"The judges have selected a winner."

A man in a suit opens an envelope dramatically. He's really trying to drag this out to get more time onstage. He clears his throat.

"The winner of the first annual Paris Dance Competition is... (Y/N) (L/N)!"

Once again, the crowd erupts into cheers.

I can't believe this. I actually won? I feel like I could pass out, but I won't. I need to get my award, after all.

One of the other contestants pats me on the back and congratulates me. She urges me to step forward. I do and receive my trophy.

After being lost in the clouds for a minute, I go backstage. I need to celebrate with Kagami!


I turn as I hear someone call my name. Kagami suddenly picks me up and twirls me around. She's smiling the widest I've ever seen her smile.

When Kagami sets me down, she kisses me tenderly. I'm so happy right now for multiple reasons.

"I knew you could do it."

I pull Kagami into a tight hug. I don't think I would have had the confidence to even enter the competition if it wasn't for her.

"Let's get out of here."

I nod eagerly and hold hands with Kagami. I lean on Kagami's shoulder as we leave, smiling and enjoying the sunlight.

I love you, Kagami, and I'll never let you forget that.

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