Alix x Shy! Reader

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Ugh, it's too loud here, and people keep trying to talk to me. I guess that's what school is, yeah?

I bury my face in my book even though I'm not actually retaining information. If you look like you're busy, people are less likely to bother you, right?

Everyone goes quiet once Ms. Bustier rises from her seat.

"Okay, class. Your next assignment will have you all working in pairs on a presentation about an environmental issue. You and your partner can choose the issue, just check in with me once you've decided so there aren't any repeat topics."

Ms. Bustier clears her throat before reading off the pairs.


I know I've been going to this school for a while, but I've barely talked to most of the people in this class.

Marinette and Alya approached me on the first day to talk. They're friendly, but I prefer to stay by myself in social situations.

The person I've found myself attracted to is Alix. At first, I thought I was just annoyed with her about something since I always caught myself paying close attention to her. Her mannerisms, her looks, everything. I think I'm more annoyed with myself for not recognizing the signs sooner.

"Alix and (Y/N)."

I glance down at Alix and see her tense up. I'm behind her, so I can't really see her face, but I do notice her fingers starting to fidget with her pencil. Chloé laughs.

"Oh, Alix... I almost feel sorry for you. Almost. Too bad you have to work with that hermit."

I shift my eyes down to my book as I feel several pairs of eyes on me. She isn't wrong, I do prefer to live a life of solitude away from the rest of the world. I guess the way she says it can be seen as rude.

As I glance back up, I can see Alix's hand clench into a fist.


How did we end up here?

Alix and I are currently sitting in my room, deciding on various topics.

I initially wanted to go to the park or library, just a place where we wouldn't be in each other's personal place. For whatever reason, I blurted out my place when she asked where we could go. Nothing like accidentally inviting your crush to your room am I right? Hahahahaha.

Anyway, I write out a list of ideas. Personally, I want to do a little research on two or three topics just in case someone else claims our first choice.

Alix removes her hat and grooms the front of her hair. I catch myself staring, again. She could show up with her hair absolutely ruffled and I would still find it cute.

I mentally slap myself. Stay focused, (Y/N). You can admire Alix and her style later when she's not within five feet of you.

"Microplastics in the ocean, factory farming, and fast fashion. Huh. I wouldn't have even thought of these, (Y/N). Good job."

I blush and look away.


I quickly put numbers next to the topics, showing what order they will be prioritized in. Alix nods and takes some notes.

My old school had us all do similar presentations on environmental topics, so I already have a grasp on the topics I've provided. Still, I'll work with Alix to make sure this presentation is great.

"Did you hear me?"

I blink a few times, turning to Alix, before immediately shifting my gaze elsewhere. Alix exhales.

"Look (Y/N), if you have something against me, just tell me now so-"

"No! Not at all! I..."

I immediately quiet down. Alix messes with her small side ponytail while I rub the back of my neck. I look Alix in the eyes, and it takes all my willpower to not look away.

As we make eye contact, I see the same fear in Alix's eyes that I hold. The fear of being rejected by everyone around you.

At least, unlike me, Alix turns her fear into self-confidence and doesn't hide what she's thinking when she's around others. Me? I'll stay down and take a verbal lashing if it means I won't have to interact with someone anymore.

Even with all that self-confidence Alix always seems to have, she's quiet now, waiting patiently for me to speak.

"I've...liked you for a while now. I apologize if my words or mannerisms have made me appear uninterested. It's the complete opposite, I just can't figure out how to express this."

Alix isn't saying anything. I knew I said something wrong. I should have kept to myself. I close my eyes, looking to the side, before I hear Alix moving.

I look back and see her much closer than before. She reaches out, grabbing my hand and giving me a certain look, almost asking for permission for whatever she's going to do next.

Despite my furiously beating heart sending me so many mixed emotions, I nod. Alix gives a small smile to reassure me before closing the distance.

She rubs the back of my hand soothingly, successfully calming down both myself and my heart. She pulls away and I see a light dust of pink on her cheeks. I'm probably way worse with the blushing.

Alix inhales deeply.

"I'm not too keen on romance, but I like you too. Let's do this, partner."

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