Zoé x Akumatized! Reader Part 2

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Zoé hesitates to leave me as black clouds surround me. Chloé yanks her away from me and runs somewhere.

"I told you she was trouble. Look at her now. She's a villain!"

I feel my anger rise as Chloé says that.

I'm a villain because of you. How dare you act like this was completely my fault!

I dash toward them. Chloé puts Zoé in front of her as a human shield.

"You're despicable."

I prance around Zoé before grabbing Chloé by the throat. Not hard enough to cut off air, but I do lift her up a few inches.

My eyes glow, then Chloé's. After I feel a fuzzy feeling inside my chest, I set her down.

Chloé has a blank expression on her face. It's almost like she's a zombie when she isn't doing anything.


Zoé reaches out to her sister. Chloé just gives her the same blank expression while waiting for Zoé to continue.

Zoé looks like she can't believe this is happening. I want to console her, but I can't. My heart is still in the middle of a storm.

As I leave the school, I immediately notice a couple being all lovey to each other while walking.

I land in front of them and grab both of them before they can get away. After the same process with Chloé, they just kind of slump to the ground after I let them go.

Is Shadowmoth sure he gave me the power to drain emotions, not literal life from someone?

Anyway, I need to find Ladybug and Cat Noir.


Zoé's POV

Where are they?

I'm sure (Y/N) has sucked the souls out of so many people by now. At least, I think that's what she did to Chloé.

I finally see Ladybug and Cat Noir quickly travelling in one direction.

"Hey! Ladybug! Cat Noir!"

They glance in the direction they were going before jumping down to me.

"I know about the akuma and-"

Ladybug wastes no time and grabs me before swinging away. Cat Noir is right next to us.

"Tell us what you know on the way."

I look down, then quickly nod as the fear of falling starts to creep up.

The smile on Ladybug's face gives me reassurance that she won't let me fall.

"(Y/N) is the akumatized person. Chloé started saying some stuff that wasn't true at all, but I didn't say anything quick enough to change the outcome. I tried to get her to resist the akuma, but she accepted the deal."

Ladybug nods as we land. She gently sets me down.

"Oh, I think the akuma is in a heart locket she's wearing. I didn't see it before she got akumatized, but now it's there. Don't let her touch you. She does something that seems like stealing your soul."

Ladybug and Cat Noir smile.

"Thank you for the information. Actually, I think there's a way you can help even more."

(Y/N)'s POV

Y'all, I've been around most of Paris and I haven't found a single trace of Ladybug or Cat Noir.

What the fuck are they doing? I'm sure there's been at least some talk about the people wandering around aimlessly like zombies.


I whirl around, ready to fight.


She slowly approaches me. Something doesn't feel right, but I want to hear what she has to say.

"I'm sorry."

I open my mouth to respond, but Zoé just rips the heart locket from around my neck.

She throws it to Cat Noir. It crumbles and Ladybug purifies the akuma. I drop to one knee as the black clouds surround me again.

Zoé crouches next to me as Ladybug hands her the locket. She waves at us before leaving.

"(Y/N), I should have said something earlier, but it's not true. Nothing Chloé said was true. I actually do like you back, and this locket is pretty."

I smile as all the feelings do a complete U-turn and become positive again.

I blush at how close we are. Zoé does the same thing and leans closer to me.

I meet her halfway as she places a hand on my cheek. Her hair cradles around my face as I pull her close.

I pull away with a small space between us.

I put the heart locket on Zoé. She smiles and pulls me to her side.

 "Come on. Let's get a selfie."

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