Ladybug x Flirty! Hero! Reader

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A/N: This hero is a blast from the past y'all.

I land on the roof of our normal meeting place. Ladybug and Cat Noir are not here yet.

Ah, Ladybug. Just being around you feels me with so much joy. I joined shortly after you two emerged as the heroes of Paris, but you've always treated me as if I was there from the start.

Cat Noir on the other hand?

I just can't stand how much he flirts with Ladybug. She never flirts back, so why does he keep trying? Ladybug has even told him in the past that she loves someone else. He doesn't listen at all.

He uses cat puns too. If you're going to flirt with someone, why use cat puns? 'Milady' too. Wouldn't be surprised if this dude wears a fedora in his civilian style.

Ladybug arrives first.

"Evening, Reaper."

"Good evening, Ladybug. I must say, you look absolutely wonderful tonight. The moonlight compliments your hair nicely."

Ladybug laughs and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Reaper, but I'm sure you've noticed I wear the same thing every time right?"

I'd smile at Ladybug if I could, but you know, skull and no muscles.

"I am quite aware. I just thought you could use an actual compliment for once. Cat Noir doesn't seem to understand you're actually smart, so you deserve eloquent compliments instead of simple puns."

As soon as I finish that sentence, Cat Noir arrives.

"Hello Milady. Hello... Reaper."

Cat Noir addresses me with a bitter tone. He turns to Ladybug with a smile.

"You're looking purrfect tonight, Bugaboo."

If I could roll my eyes, they'd be permanently looking into the back of my head. How many times have I heard him say that now?

"Hello to you too, Cat Noir. Shall we get going?"

Cat Noir and I nod at the same time, glaring at each other when Ladybug looks elsewhere.

It's silent for the most part. Cat Noir tries to say something and I shut him down, then I try to say something and Cat Noir shuts me down.

It's just awful, but it was bound to happen with two people vying for someone's affection.

We stop when we hear someone scream. We jump down, ready to smack someone around, only to see someone being scared by their friend as a prank.

I sigh as I place my scythe on my back. I was really hoping to fight someone tonight.

"No villains yet. That gives us more time to be together, Bugaboo."

Cat Noir leans on the side of a building while twirling his staff. I cross my arms

"It's getting late anyway. We should head home for the night."

Cat Noir crosses his arms as well and stands up to me, trying to make himself look taller. I start floating until I'm a few inches higher than him.

"Wha- That's no fair!"

Ladybug steps between us.

"Okay, what is going on between the two of you? You've been at it all night and I don't like to see my friends fight."

I uncross my arms as I look down at Ladybug. I land on the ground in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Ladybug, I truly am, but do you really want to be with someone who can't take a hint? I mean, you've rejected Cat Noir so many times now we could be in a TV show."

Cat Noir places himself in front of Ladybug.

"Oh please, talk about yourself why don't you? She's rejected me as much as she's rejected you."

I actually start laughing at this. Ladybug has never rejected me because I never asked. I flirt with her, that's true, but I've never outright asked her.

Ladybug separates us again.

"Stop it! How am I supposed to work with both of you when you're fighting each other more than the actual villains? I just..."

Ladybug trails off before hugging me.


Ah, I get it. She can't kiss me since I have a literal skull in place of skin.

Cat Noir sighs.

"I get it Ladybug. No more flirting with you."

Cat Noir looks me in the eye, almost as if he wants to apologize, but shakes his head before leaving.

"So, Ladybug, want to watch the sunrise? The sun's rays will shine well on your suit."

Ladybug pulls away, looking toward the small amount of orange painting the sky.

"We have school tomorrow. So as much as I would love to sit with you, we really do need to get home."

I nod before pulling Ladybug into one last hug.

"Goodnight, Reaper."

"Goodnight, Ladybug."

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now