Zoé x Hero! Reader

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I hide in a nearby alleyway and peek out to make sure I'm not seeing things.

Yep, that's definitely a raging villain.

"Zoé Lee! I will do whatever is necessary to make sure you never reject someone ever again!"


I'm about to transform because my one true love Zoé rejected him? Well, he deserves it if he's so mentally unstable that he'll try to kill someone over a rejection.

Snoww, the arctic fox kwami, floats out from my jacket.

"Snoww, flurry!"

She is sucked into my bracelet and I feel a jolt of power surge through me.

A gentle, yet cold wave is left behind as the bright white light fades away.

I sprint toward the scene, tackling Zoé just as a giant hammer smashes on the ground. That was way too close.

I look down at Zoé as I flee the area with her, looking for an explanation.

"When he confessed to me, he also presented something he built for me. I didn't want to reject him and keep the item. That seemed rude to me."

I glance back as she says that. He's following us, and he has other tools smashing buildings out of the way instead of just jumping over them. He really doesn't care about civilian casualties.

I notice Ladybug and Cat Noir approaching us, so I head toward them.

"Do you know where the akuma is?"

Zoé nods as I set her down behind some cover.

"It's in the bird charm connected to his tool belt. He built me a small wooden bird with moving parts and attached it to his tool belt after I rejected him. Look-"

I whirl around at Zoé's urgency and hold up my bow to block a giant screwdriver that would have skewered me.

Ladybug and Cat Noir stand on either side of me as I kick him back.

"Foxtrot, w-"

"Bird on the belt."

Ladybug nods as she quickly glances around, noticing Zoé hiding behind a large ventilation fan.

"Lucky Charm!"

I fire a few arrows at the villain as an object lands in Ladybug's hands.

"A tool belt?"

She has one too? I don't even know what she could do with it, but I trust Ladybug.

Cat Noir and I buy time while Ladybug goes over to the ventilation fan.

"Stop protecting that girl! Don't you know what she's done?!"

I smirk as one of my arrows deflects a nail from a nail gun.

"Respectfully decline your offer of being a boyfriend? Damn, what a shame."

The villain yells in rage as a buzz saw comes crashing down. I move just in time. He's really giving it everything he has. A long, but narrow slit is left where the buzz saw was.

At the same time, a large ruler swings at Cat Noir.

"Get him in the air!"

Cat Noir and I nod while dodging all attacks. We rush him, slowly getting him over to the ventilation fan.

Ladybug turns the fan on right as he steps in front of it, and a powerful vacuum starts to pull him toward it.

He tries to get away, but lifting one foot up is enough to completely fly toward the fan. He barely grabs onto a pole to keep from getting sucked in.


Cat Noir allows himself to be caught in the wind current as he puts his hand out to touch the bird. At the last second, the villain removes the bird and hammer from his tool belt.

Cat Noir only touches the tool belt, destroying any tools along with it. Ladybug quickly turns off the fan as I tackle Cat Noir to keep him from getting sucked in.

I hear rapid beeps and look at Ladybug.

"I have to go detransform. I'll be back as soon as possible."

Ladybug swings down into an alleyway as the villain holds the bird in one hand and the hammer in the other.

"Looks like it's just you two now."

His hammer swings at us, narrowly missing the fan Zoé is hiding behind.

With every passing second, this battle seems like it's never going to end.

Cat Noir looks at his ring.

"Foxtrot, I really don't want to do this, but I have to charge up as well."

I stagger as the hammer slams on the ground.

"Go! I can hold him off."

Cat Noir leaves immediately.

Technically I'm right. As long as I don't use my special power, I can stay transformed for a long time. The issue is if I will be able to keep dodging. I'm getting exhausted, and I might have to use my power soon.

As I almost get squished again, I aim my bow at the sky.

"Sleet Storm!"

I fire a glowing white arrow and immediately feel the wind pick up. As I look back, the hammer is right above Zoé's hiding spot.

I dash over there, putting myself under the hammer. I manage to stop it from smashing on Zoé, but my muscles immediately strain.

I'm shaking so much, this hammer is slowly crushing me. I glance over and see Zoé unharmed, but she has a worried expression on her face.

I smile as I'm forced on one knee. This is what heroes do. We sacrifice ourselves to keep others safe.

I'm pushing against the hammerhead as much as I can. For a split second, the pressure against me suddenly weakens, before trying to crush me again.

"Agh! What are these damn ice pellets falling from the sky?"

I slowly make my way to the edge of the hammerhead before completely slipping out. The hammer slams on the ground as soon as there is nothing holding it up.

I clutch at my shoulder as a sharp pain sears through me.

Damn it, where are Ladybug and Cat Noir?

I look down at my bracelet as it beeps. There's only one part of the snowflake lit up.

I can't leave Zoé here, and I can't risk detransforming while we're in the air.

I grit my teeth as I dodge again, landing wrong on my side. I force myself to get up as Zoé watches from the sidelines with fear.

Rapid beeps fill my ears as a bright light surrounds me. I nearly slump to the ground as I am forced out of the transformation.

I catch Snoww and put her into a pocket on the inside of my jacket.

Zoé's eyes are wide in recognition, but the villain doesn't seem to know who I am.

"I don't know who you are, but that makes me feel even less guilty for killing you!"

I lose my balance as the hammer slams on the roof next to me. This really is harder without my powers. I'm just glad no one else is around to see me on this rooftop.

I charge him and manage to get into a tumble. We're both holding onto the bird, trying to get it into our own hands.

The hammer forms above us, and I finally get the bird and hold it up.


The hammer stops right as it's about to hit us. I see a black blur in my peripheral vision and throw the bird. It crumbles and the akuma flies out.

I don't get time to celebrate, however, as I black out.

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