Zoé x Bad! Tomboy! Reader

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"Eek! It's (Y/N)."

"She's back? I thought she was expelled?"

"Really? I just heard it was a long suspension."

The corner of my mouth quirks up at all the small conversations I can hear.

Nope. I wasn't expelled. I'm here to stay.

As I turn to go down the stairs, someone bumps into me.

I glare down at them, ready to get suspended again.

"Yikes! Zoé just bumped into (Y/N)."

"Someone get the nurse."

The girl, Zoé, looks up at me with a worried expression. Huh, I've never seen her around here before.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going and..."

She trails off, trying to find the right things to say.

I smooth out my leather jacket as I take in her features.

"Don't worry about it."

I pat Zoé on the shoulder before walking away.

Everyone stares at me as if I had grown another arm.

"Did (Y/N) just let her go without punishment?"

I immediately turn on whoever said that, ready to throw someone into a concrete wall.

It's just some background character, not anyone actually worth getting into a physical fight with such as Chloé or Lila.

I give a look to let them know I'll be watching them closely. They scurry away, not wanting to be in my line of sight anymore.

I chuckle as everyone else suddenly seems interested in literally anything else.

Wow, that floor is looking pretty interesting isn't it?


I wait outside the school for Zoé. She may not know who I am, but she has caught my eye, meaning she's going to deal with me whether she likes it or not.

A man stumbles on the sidewalk across the street. I'm about to help him, but I see what he's drinking.

I turn away and lean against my motorcycle.

"(Y/N), since you're in the kitchen, can you get me a beer?"

I smile, happy to be spending time with my dad. I grab the bottle with the red top, dad's favorite.

"Thank you. You're such a good child, not like your brother who ran away. What an ungrateful little shit."

Man, young me was such a fucking idiot.

I practically encouraged my dad's alcoholism by getting him whatever he wanted when he was too lazy to get up.

My brother was right to run away. I just hope he's living in a better place now.

If he is, there is no way he ended up like me. Unruly, basically in a gang, and feared by most of my peers.

Upon seeing Zoé, those negative thoughts leave me.

I wave her over. She says something to Marinette before walking over. I hand her a helmet after I sit.

"Get on."

Zoé hesitates, looking between me and the motorcycle. Well, I did give her my only helmet, so she could also be worried about my safety.

I give my most reassuring smile as I pat the seat behind me. Zoé still looks nervous, but sits behind me a few moments later.

I rev the engine just to annoy people around us before driving off.

"Are you even allowed to drive this thing?"

I laugh as I zoom down the street.

"Definitely not! No one's stopped me yet, though."

As we ride, Zoé clings to me for dear life. Half of the time she's looking around, the other half she's pressing her head against my back, or, I guess the helmet.

After riding around for a bit, I decide it's time to take her home.

"Where do you live? I'll get you there quick."

Zoé lifts her head up and pats my back as we pass Le Grand Paris. I perform a U-turn and park in front of the hotel.

When Zoé removes her helmet, she's smiling.

"You know, after asking around today, so many people had bad things to say about you. I may not have spent as much time with you as they have, but I disagree. This was fun, and I would like to do it again sometime."

Zoé kisses me on the cheek before putting the helmet on me. She waves before entering the building.

Fuck. I think my heart just started beating faster.

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