Chat Noir x Reader

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I sit in the shadows while keeping watch.

"Come on! One of them has to pass through eventually, right?"

I look around as best as I can without revealing my position. Still no one in any direction.

I sigh as I pick at a loose tile on the roof. It really is boring when there's no one to fight.

Suddenly, my ear twitches to the side as I hear a faint footstep. It's followed by a couple more, then a few more...

A hero? Yes! Finally!

I crouch down as much as I can before someone lands on the other side of the roof. I hear the springs and mechanisms activate one after another.

"All clear, Ladybug. Let's meet up at- WAAUG!"

I jump out of the shadows to see Chat Noir drenched in water.

"Chat Noir, you've activated my trap! That means we have to fight!"

He just glares at me as he tries to dry himself off. Meanwhile, someone else lands nearby.


She runs over, almost giggling at the sight of Chat Noir.

"Oh, so this is why your call was cut short... Hello to you too, Dark Rabbit..."

I shoot some finger guns at Ladybug before gesturing to Chat Noir.

"Well, I was just telling your partner here that we have to fight since he fell for my trap. I know the whole team combined can't beat me, so I promise to go easy on him."

I wink at them, but Ladybug just groans and rubs her temples.

Chat Noir is at least somewhat dry now, but he also groans.

"Dark Rabbit, why do you even fight us? You're clearly not with Shadowmoth and you've beaten us several times already. Why don't you just fight with us instead of against us?"

I step close to Chat Noir. I know how nervous he gets when I get close.

His cheeks turn pink, he avoids all eye contact, he stutters certain words... He basically turns into the exact definition of a shy schoolgirl.

I let him squirm for a bit before turning to Ladybug.

"There's no fun in that. If I helped both of you defeat Shadowmoth, then there would be no one for me to go against. As long as he is around, all of the heroes will be around and I won't just be sitting here with unused power."

Since I don't have a Miraculous, my powers stay with me my whole life. Those powers can grow as I do, and I'll be the only one with in depth knowledge about them.

Ladybug? Chat Noir? Literally any of the other Miraculous holders?

They're only holders temporarily, and they know it. They can be a holder for as long as their body can handle it. Once it's passed down to a new holder, I no longer have the same relationship with that holder that I do now with the current heroes.

I think deep down... I just don't want any of this to end.

When Shadowmoth is defeated, that will be a great day for everyone, but I'll lose what I wanted most: friends.

Clearly something was conveyed in my expression, because Chat Noir is looking at me with soft eyes.

"Actually, I will take you up on that fight, if you don't mind."

Ladybug looks between the two of us before shaking her head.

"I swear, just when I think you know better... Never mind! Just remember that she knocked you unconscious last time."

Chat Noir smiles and nods before Ladybug leaves. She's warming up to me, I just know it.

A warm hand grips my shoulder.

"I understand what you mean."

Chat Noir sits with me on the edge of the roof, dangling our feet over the edge.

"While being a hero is stressful and dangerous, it does pain me to say that I know I have to give up the Black Cat Miraculous at some point. As hard as it is to balance every aspect of my separate lives, being a hero is one of the best things that could have happened to me."

I smile at the fondness in his voice. He's talking about the people he's met.

Ladybug, of course. The other famed hero of Paris, both known for sacrificing themselves countless times.

I have a feeling he's also fond of the villains he's met. Through them, Chat Noir has grown and become smarter with each victory.

"And then there's you."

A grip on my chin takes me out of my thoughts.

I blush as Chat Noir gently turns my head toward him.

"You're not a hero, but you're not exactly a 'villain'. You don't currently play that big of a role right now, but why can't I get you out of my head...?"

Each passing moment feels much longer than it actually is. Chat Noir leans closer and closer... until his lips finally touch mine.

Cold, yet soft, and full of passion.

His fingers linger on my cheek for a few moments longer as he takes me in with the moonlight.

"After all of this is over, I'll come find you. I promise."

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now