Kagami x Stressed! Fencer! Reader

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"We can try to solve this equation using standard deviation, which is..."

I tune Ms. Mendeleiev out as my head tilts back. I've been losing more and more sleep with each passing night. I wouldn't be surprised if I got to the point where I wasn't sleeping at all.

I sit forward, forcing myself to stay awake.

One day with little to no sleep is fine, but gradually losing sleep does take its toll on the body.

Damn, I still have fencing practice later.

Kagami's POV:

(Y/N) hasn't been looking good lately.

Her skin has become noticeably pale, and her eye bags are so dark anyone would know something is going on with her.

If the eye bags didn't give it away, (Y/N) is starting to doze off in class. She always forces herself to stay awake so that it doesn't look like she's not paying attention.

Even when she is paying attention, I can tell she's not really retaining the information being told to her. She's not actually learning anything.

I'm going to talk to (Y/N) after fencing practice. I'm worried about her, and I want to make sure nothing serious is going on.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I jog in place for a few moments while the other fencers are lining up. I always liked Kagami's outfit. The red contrasts nicely with our white ones.

Both of us take stances in front of each other. Mr. D'Argencourt stands to the side.


I advance on Kagami and immediately lunge. She parries my attack and quickly performs a riposte. She gets me on the chest.

I just nod at her before we reset our stances.


This time, Kagami advances first. I'm not even sure what's happening. I know she's quick, but it's like she just teleported in front of me.

The next thing I feel is another tap on my chest.

"(Y/N), you need to parry, move, anything!"

I nod at Mr. D'Argencourt as we reset stances again.

Throughout practice, nothing new happens. Kagami gets me every single time, and every single time Mr. D'Argencourt sees it, he says something about it.

I sigh as I enter the locker room. I'm glad practice is over.

I sit on the bench as I take off my mask. I smooth my hair back. I'm fucking tired, man.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?"

I look over at the new voice. I didn't even notice Kagami come in.

I don't want her to think I'm complaining about petty stuff.

"I'm just overwhelmed. I can handle it."

Kagami leans over and kisses me on the lips. She cups my cheek as she pulls away.

"I'll always be there for you,(Y/N)."

I give a small smile at those words. It's nice to actually her someone say that. I understand why people in TV shows are always grateful when they hear those words.

"In fact, why don't we have a sleepover? I'm sure you could use some fun to get your mind away from things."

My smile grows as I nod eagerly.


"Damn, you've got strong arms."

Kagami has successfully opened the jar of candy that I haven't touched for a while. Both of us laugh while I pour some of the contents out.

"Not as strong as yours. I've seen you lift up Kim a few times."

I playfully hit Kagami's arm, and she dramatically plops back on the bed.

As she laughs, negative thoughts swarm my mind.

I look over to my backpack. I have so much work in there I haven't even started yet.

I can't even complete one assignment? No wonder I performed awfully today at fencing practice.

I can't sleep, or else I miss out on doing the assignments.


What am I even doing with my life? I can't even focus enough to do the simplest tasks.

"(Y/N), you don't have to hide anything from me. What's really wrong?"

I'm only brought back to the current environment when I feel the tears streaming down my face.

I bury my face in my hands as actual sobs escape me.

"I am overwhelmed by everything. School is putting so much pressure on me to do well. I'm stressed as all hell. My parents are across the fucking Atlantic Ocean and I have had no one to talk to about anything going on... and... and..."

I start trembling and sweating. My heart is pounding, and it feels like the entire world is closing in around me.

Kagami hugs me and strokes my hair.

At that moment, the closing in stops just outside of our little bubble.

"Everything is going to be okay. Things will get better."

Kagami slowly leans us back until we're lying on the bed.

After what feels like an eternity, my cries have finally died down, and the world no longer feels like it's trying to crush me.

I rest my head on Kagami's chest as I close my eyes, ready for sleep to overcome me.

Kagami wraps her arms around me and closes her eyes as well.

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt