Juleka x Reader x Rose

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"Hey (Y/N)!"

I look up with a smile as I hear that voice.

Rose Lavillant.

She's always so bubbly. Anytime I come to school with a shitty attitude, Rose can cheer me up.

It's like she makes it her job to keep me happy no matter what.

"Are you still able to help this weekend?"

I nod as I fully turn toward Rose.

"Of course! I'm always ready to help my friends. Remember to be on time, okay Rose?"

Rose quickly nods and waves me off all cheery.

As I'm walking, someone else steps into my path.

"Hey there, Juleka."

Juleka, as quiet as she is, actually brings joy to the darker parts in life. She looks at everything from an outsider's perspective. It's refreshing.

Juleka mumbles something as she smiles.

I keep smiling but place a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes trail down my arm until they land on me again.

"I'm already helping Rose with something on Saturday. I can help you on Sunday though. I'll give you a time later."

Juleka's face falls into a neutral expression as she nods.

Huh, she seemed bummed out about something.


When I open the door, Rose is there with a smile on her face. She's holding some school supplies.

"Hi (Y/N)!"

I smile and let her in.

"Hey. Just set that stuff in my room. I'll be there in a minute."

Rose nods and goes off.

I start whistling as I wash my hands, only to hear a scream.


I rush up to my room, only to see Rose perfectly fine.

Well, she looks angry right now, but physically she's fine.

I follow her gaze only to see Juleka sitting on my bed. What? How did she get in?

"(Y/N), help me! Get her out of here."

Rose moves behind me as I approach Juleka, who just raises an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't have to do this if you didn't take the first available spot of (Y/N)'s free time."

This time Rose steps out from behind me.

"Well, I had to with how much time you spend following her everywhere! You probably would have gotten her if you were faster."

Wait, gotten me?

I step between them again.

"What are you talking about?"

Juleka clears her throat with a deep blush.

"Rose and I have been... vying for your affection."

"Yeah! You seem to treat both of us the same though."

I look between the both of them.

How am I supposed to deal with this?

Rose Ending

I reach behind myself and squeeze Rose's hand. She squeezes back as I give Juleka a sad smile.

"I don't want to go on tangents or anything so I'll be straight up. I don't have romantic feelings for you, Juleka. I would like us to remain friends, although if you don't want to, I understand."

Juleka closes her eyes.

"...I'd like that."

Without another word, Juleka quickly jumps out my window. I go over to make sure she's okay, only to see her already walking away.

I turn to Rose. Even she's looking upset at this.

I sit on my bed and hold my arms out. Rose walks into the embrace.

"I think I should apologize to Juleka."

I rub circles on her back.

"I agree."

Juleka Ending

I turn around to face Rose.

I'm thinking of how to tell her. Clearly she's an emotional person. I don't want to make her cry.

"Rose, you know I care about you and would never do anything to hurt you. Unfortunately, I don't see us in a relationship."

As much as I knew it would happen, it still breaks my heart to see Rose sad. She's not crying right now, but I can tell if she doesn't leave soon she might start.

I help Rose gather her belongings and walk her to the front door.

"I'm sorry."

Rose just shakes her head as she takes a bag from me.

"Don't be. I'm upset, but I understand."

With that, she leaves.

I close the door and turn around, only to see Juleka in the hallway. She's reserved with her body language.

"Sorry for... doing this..."

I lead her over to the couch. I take her hands in mine and look up at her.

"I understand how you feel, but someone was going to get hurt no matter who I picked. I want to be with you. Don't forget that."

Polyamorous Ending

I furrow my brow as I think about what to do. Most people can't even handle being in a regular relationship, how am I going to be able to handle two people?

Suddenly, I start laughing.

Rose, and even Juleka is startled by this.

"(Y/N), are you alright?"

I laugh even more as I wave off their concerns.

"I'm sorry, but I think it's funny how we would look in a relationship. Rose is over here all happy and cheery all the time. You're very quiet and wear dark clothes, so the complete opposite of Rose. Then there's me. No one special compared to both of you."

Both of them turn toward me.

"(Y/N), don't say that about yourself."

"...that's not true."

Even with Juleka's quiet voice, they still manage to talk over each other.

"Come here, both of you."

I pull Rose in for a hug first. She happily hugs me and even holds her arm out for Juleka.

 "There. We're one happy three way relationship. Now I can help both of you."

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