Alix x Jealous! Reader

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Darn. Add one more pencil to the pencil graveyard. That makes what, 7 broken pencils? I'm glad I buy them in bulk.

What I'm NOT glad about, however, is Kim talking with Alix. I can't tell exactly what they're talking about, but Alix seems very giggly about what Kim is saying. Kim isalso highly confident in what he's saying.

Is he flirting with her? Isn't he with Ondine? Why the fuck is Alix so giggly?

I ruffle my hair in frustration. Alix doesn't really show affection toward anyone, but watching her laugh so much at whatever Kim is saying makes my blood boil. I just want to wipe the smirk off his face.

I frown and shake my head, before smacking my head on the desk waiting for class to end. I don't want to watch this anymore.

"Are you ready to go, (Y/N)?"

I sit up, rubbing my forehead. I nod, leaving with Marinette.

I forgot we planned to hang out after school. Marinette is speaking, but I'm not really paying attention. I'm just watching Alix put on her rollerblades. I slow down as a group approaches her. Two guys and two girls. Who are these clowns?

Again, I can't hear them, but I can tell one of the girls is flirting with Alix. Touching her arm, staying WAY too close to her, praising Alix for every little thing she does.

It makes me sick. My hands ball into fists, and at this point, I've stopped walking. Again, Alix isn't really reciprocating her feelings, but it's still infuriating to see.

I don't move from my spot, just allowing the anger to build up. How DARE they speak to Alix that way. She's clearly not interested, so leave her alone!

Something soft touches my hand. My gaze snaps down and I see someone grabbing my hand.


"Hey, let's go do something, make ourselves busy."

I keep looking at Alix for a few moments before finally allowing Marinette to drag me away. I'm definitely still angry, but it's slowly going away.

Marinette keeps glancing to the side as if she's checking something, like she's making sure nothing is following us. Once my anger has completely gone away, she stops looking around.

After a few minutes, I finally realize where we are.

"The park?"

Marinette smiles and nods. I thought we would have gone to either of our houses, but the park is fine.

The sun is shining, birds are chirping. The park is probably the most tranquil place in the city as long as there isn't an akuma around.

Marinette sits on a bench. I join her, admiring the scenery as she texts someone. It's probably Alya. They're best friends, after all, and I think I'm more surprised she didn't come along with us.

Marinette is shifting around like she's nervous. She's anticpating something, but she's also smiling so it can't be that bad. After a few moments of this, I turn to her.

"Is there something you want to say?"

Marinette looks surprised, like she didn't expect me to say anything. She opens her mouth to respond, but then her eyes dart to the side. I turn my head and see Alix rolling toward us.

I turn back to Marinette, who just stands and smiles.

"Well, I have to go... take care of something? Yeah, I trust you'll be comfortable in Alix's presence?"

I narrow my eyes. Marinette just shoots some finger guns before jogging away. I sigh as I turn to Alix, smiling brightly at her. Alix looks at Marinette as she leaves, raising an eyebrow.

"Huh, that's odd. Marinette is the one who invited me here to give rollerblading lessons."

I straighten myself. Marinette, I'm totally going to get you back for this. Right now, I'll focus on Alix, who has an extra pair of rollerblades. She just shrugs and hands me the extra pair.

I lean down to remove my shoes as someone approaches us. The same girl from earlier, except she's alone. I stop what I'm doing and watch her closely. She hasn't acknowledged me yet.

Is it just me, or did I see Alix grimace for a split second when she approached?

"Hey Alix~ What are you doing out here?"

This girl is all smiles. She's way too handsy, even for just 'friendly' touches. She's giving Alix all her attention and still hasn't noticed me yet. Is she deliberately ignoring me?

Alix gives a small smile, but it feels fake. Still, this girl basks in the light of Alix's fake smile.

"I'm here giving (Y/N) rollerblading lessons."

Alix gestures to me, and the girl finally acknowledges me properly. Well, if you consider giving me a look without saying anything as acknowledgement. I just give her the emptiest expression I can manage.

She just looks back to Alix, touching her arm.

"You could always do that another time. I'm sure she won't mind, so why don't you come with me instead?"

I jump to my feet.

"Excuse me?! Bitch, I DO mind. So how about you take one for the team and fuck off back where you came from?"

The girl deflates a bit. She didn't expect me to jump up at that so quickly, or maybe not at all. We're the same height, so neither of us have that intimidation factor.

She rises back up. I should have been the one given the Cat Miraculous because I'm about to rip this bitch to shreds. I'd cataclysm her right in front of Alix.

"Oh please. Do you even know who you're-"

"No, and frankly, I don't fucking care. Just go back and fuck one of those boys in your group."

I jerk forward, causing her to stumble back. She looks between me and Alix for a few seconds before leaving, but gives me one last scowl as she does so. I audibly exhale as she leaves my line of sight. Suddenly, Alix turns me toward her.

"(Y/N), what the hell was that about?!"

I cross my arms. My next words are laced with venom.

"Am I really supposed to let some bitch like that get all touchy with you? Just watching her approach us all high and mighty pissed me off."

Alix looks ready to say something back, but her expression goes neutral.

"(Y/N), are you jealous?"

My eyes widen. I shake my head furiously while uncrossing my arms. Alix smiles for the first time after that little incident.

"You are jealous!"

I run my hand through my hair while still shaking my head.

"No. I am not jealous! Compared to her, there is nothing to be jealous about."

I turn away, noticing my foot has been tapping involuntarily. I hear Alix sigh and move around.

"I guess I'll just have to call her back here."

"You can't be fucking-"

Alix cuts me off with a kiss. I pull her closer with a hand on her back. My free hand messes with her side ponytail. My anger is completely gone now. What do I have to be angry about right now?

I avoid eye contact when she pulls away. Of all things I was expecting Alix to say or do in response, I wasn't expecting a kiss. I just know I'm blushing like crazy with a big smile on my face.

"You were jealous~"

A huff escapes me, but even Alix's teasing can't wipe the smile off my face. I'm completely content right now.

Me? Jealous? Not anymore.

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora