Chloé x Tomboy! Reader

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"Back again, (Y/N)?"

I nod at the store clerk, who just smiles before helping another customer.

This game store is possibly the best I've ever been to. It's relatively new, but I've found several games here, both old and new that have kept me entertained.

Let's see...

I'm taking a break from competitive games for a while. I understand wanting to win, but some people put so much time and energy in the game, they get angry at the littlest things that don't go their way.

I rub my temples, I'm not touching any war games for a while, then.

While I'm browsing the horror section, I hear a familiar sigh. I stiffen. There are good reasons and bad reasons why I'm afraid right now.

I turn my head and see a familiar blonde ponytail with sunglasses in a different isle. I quickly turn my attention back to the box I'm holding as if it's the most important thing in the world.

Chloé Bourgeois? What is she doing at a video game store? I mean, clearly she's here to buy games, but what is she doing at a video game store?

Out of all the people I would expect to run into here, Chloé was definitely at the bottom of the list. She just doesn't peg me as the type of person to take video games seriously.

I glance over at the section Chloé is browsing. Action/Adventure? I guess it's not too far off. Even just using a Miraculous once would probably feel like an adventure.

I drift over there. I was looking for a certain game anyway. No matter where I look, be it online or in person, I've never found it anywhere. The store clerk said he would order it and hold it if he found a copy.

"I wouldn't recommend that. The story is boring and there is no character development."

I adjust my hat before finally turning to Chloé. Her eyes widen once she realizes it's me. She raises an eyebrow.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"


She has literally heard me talk to Max and Marinette about video games. Not just one time, mind you. It's more like any time we find a game we really like, we talk about it. You never know, you might like a game in a genre you don't normally play.

Now, back to why I'm afraid.

While Chloé does have a reputation of being rude and hard to deal with, I've developed a liking toward her. Maybe it's much bigger than I'm telling, but no one needs to know that.

"I'm here searching for my next batch of games. You know, the ones that prioritize over other games because I want to perfect them."

To my surprise, Chloé understands what I mean perfectly. She opens her mouth to respond, but a laugh cuts her off. I also know who this laugh belongs to.

I never learned the names, but there are always these two guys who bash on any girls that come in the store.

"Oh look, daddy's girl is back."

I scowl at this. Every time they pull this shit, the store clerk tries to get them to leave. I'm not sure why he just doesn't throw them out himself at this point. They do purely for the fun of it.

I just don't get how guys will say they want a girlfriend, but then go on to say sexist shit about how women should stay in the kitchen and stop ruining video games.

Chloé is trying to ignore them. She knows they're not worth a reaction. I see them approaching in the corner of my eye. Y'all better back up right now.

One of them places a hand on my shoulder. I straighten up. I turn toward them, waiting for the garbage that is going to spew from their mouth.

"Come on, dude. Let's go somewhere else."

I don't even fucking know you. I cross my arms and stare them down.

"Go? I'm a girl. You know that, right?"

I'm holding in a laugh. The look on their faces as soon as I finish my question is gold. It looks like their brains just shut down completely. I'm not sure there was anything in their heads anyway.

In their defense, I do have androgynous features. I've been mistaken for a guy before, and most people usually apologize, but then you have these assholes.

The one that placed their hand on my shoulder makes a disgusted face. Yikes, I feel bad for any woman in your life.

"Oh God, here's another one."

Another one? He says it like I'm a pest in his house that he can't get rid of. I tighten my grip on my arm. What do they gain from harassing several women multiple times a day? Don't they have something better to do with their lives?

The store clerk suddenly appears behind them like an enemy hiding in the shadows. He towers over them, leaning closer to box them in.

"Get out."

The two assholes leave and I smile. I've never seen the clerk do that before. They just nod to us before going back behind the counter.

I turn back to Chloé, frowning.

"At this point, they just need to hire someone to stand at the door and keep them out."

Chloé laughs, then looks at my game selection.

"I agree, and thank you. Let me buy those for you."

I look down at my hands, before shaking my head. She doesn't need to do that for me. Chloé shakes her head in response.

"Yes, you will let me buy those for you. I know a way you can pay me back anyway."

A pit forms in my chest. What diabolical act will Chloé make me perform just to settle a debt?

I tense up on instinct as Chloé moves closer. Oh no. Is she going to put something in my hair? Or on my clothes? Is she going to smack everything I'm holding to the ground?

I soften a bit when she lightly squeezes my arm. That part of my body is now on fire. In the good way, if you can even be burning in a good way.

Still, it isn't enough to distract me from Chloé's lips on mine. She immediately pulls back a bit, letting her lips graze mine. Her mouth tugs up into a smirk.

She's teasing me. Daddy's girl can get whatever she wants when it involves money, but not when the emotions of another are involved.

I place a hand on her jawline and pull her back in. This time, she stays put, allowing the kiss to go on. I move my hand to her waist to pull her even closer.

Chloé pats my hand.

"If we're going to do this, at least let me pick out some games for you. Your selection is horrid."

I scoff, but can't help the smile that finds its way on my face.

"Good. I know you won't pout now, especially since I promise we will finish what we've started."

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