Marin x Sweet! Friendly! Reader

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A/N: Nine more parts until this book is done.

I sigh happily as I watch Marin from across the room. He's so cute when he's concentrating.

Right now, his brow furrows as he stares at a math problem. He's been missing school lately, so I offered to come over to his house and help him catch up with everything.

I finally decide to go over to him. I think he's been struggling enough.

Marin blushes as I lean over his shoulder to point out how he's getting an incorrect answer.

Now he's not even paying attention to his work. His eyes are looking everywhere else except the papers.

I ruffle his hair as I sit next to him.

"Come on! I know you can do it. You're one of the smartest people I know. How can some numbers stump you like this?"

Marin smiles while rubbing the back of his neck. He fiddles with his earrings for a moment before looking back at the papers.

"I guess numbers just aren't my strong suit. I'm much better with the creativity aspect of problem solving."

I smile as I look at his answers again.

Marin's not that far off. He's using the correct methods, but he's getting rid of numbers when he doesn't need to do that.

It's like he sees a number he doesn't like and finds a way to just remove it from the equation entirely. At least his methods of doing so aren't wrong.

"I get that. I used to be horrible at math, and I would still kind of say I am, but I'm good enough to be helping others."

I do a sample problem with details explaining every step.

"Do another problem. Look at this when you're stuck to have a reference."

Marin nods and starts another problem.

I lean back in my chair and link my hands behind my head.

The sounds of a pencil marking the paper are oddly satisfying. Hm, I might have to become a teacher someday.

I jerk forward when Marin jolts up.

"I did it!"

Marin sets the paper in front of me. Upon seeing his work, he's right. Marin finally got one correct.

I stand with him, smiling at his work.

"Nice job! I knew you-"

Marin pulls me into a tight hug.

Physical affection is good too!

I happily return the embrace. Marin only tightens his hold on me.

I hear something making a fast, yet muffled sound. Is that his heart?

I pull back a bit to look up at him. His face is red and he looks like he's struggling to say something. Huh, what's wrong?

Before I can actually ask that question, Marin's lips are on mine.

His hand slides up to tangle itself in my hair as my back hits the table. I place my hands down to keep myself from falling back.

Marin immediately backs off.

"Ah... Sorry. I might have gotten carried away."

He smiles nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

I smile to ease his nerves.

I had no issues with the kiss at all. I just didn't want to fall back on the table.

Marin clears his throat while smoothing his shirt.

"Genuinely, thank you. You're very helpful and I never thought I would be able to do it. So helpful, in fact, maybe you'll get a Miraculous soon."

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