Marinette x Jealous! Tomboy! Reader

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I cross my arms as I glare at Marinette. Well, not Marinette, rather the boy next to her.

Adrien Agreste.

He's nice, but he's so oblivious to Marinette she should just give up on him.

I mean, I'm not even a guy and I'm sure I could take better care of Marinette. Girls know what girls want after all.

Adrien doesn't even flirt back. Ever. I don't think I've even seen him initiate the flirting. I get he's a good looking guy, but do you really want to be with someone who can't even pick up on straightforward flirting?

Now, take me as an example.

I'm very straightforward with my feelings toward someone. If I like them, I tell them. If I don't I tell them and why.

While I typically don't enjoy the girly things in life, I do know how to deal with girls who do. That's why I believe I would be such a good choice for Marinette.

Alix agrees. Nino agrees. Juleka agrees. Rose agrees. Even Alya agrees and she's Marinette's best friend, so she has to know I have Marinette's best interests at heart.

I'm not saying Adrien doesn't, I'm just saying I'm better.

Did Marinette just laugh at something Adrien said? Wait, is he flirting?


When did Adrien Agreste learn how to flirt? With his looks, he'll definitely pull Marinette.

My eyes lock on to Marinette's hand on Adrien's arm.

Oh fuck no.

I storm over there, dramatically making an entrance. I stand between Marinette and Adrien. He just raises an eyebrow at me while Marinette stands quietly.

Literally every single insult and argument I had prepared suddenly disappears. I whirl around to Marinette, grabbing her wrist.

"Let's go have a chat. You know, girl stuff."

I quickly stick my tongue out at Adrien before dragging Marinette away. I make sure no one is in the locker room before speaking.

"What do you have going on with Adrien?"

I adjust my hat as I wait for Marinette to answer. She just looks at me with a confused expression.

I smash my fingertips together to simulate kissing. Marinette looks amused while raising an eyebrow at the gesture.

"There is nothing going on between us. Even if there was something, that would be our business. Kind of like how you took me here alone, right?"

I cross my arms.

"Oh, no way you're turning this on me. I just want to know what was happening with Adrien. That's all."

I shrug before looking away. Marinette shuffles in front of me. She's giving me a look like she knows what's going on.

Marinette's pretty smart, so I wouldn't doubt if she had some kind of explanation.

"You're jeal-"

I put a hand up to stop Marinette from finishing that word.

No, I am not jealous. What could possibly make Marinette think I'm jealous? In my eyes, I'm just looking out for her. You know, girl to girl.

A sly smile finds its way on Marinette's face.


She says it quickly, and if I didn't know what she was trying to say, I wouldn't have understood.

I frown and look away, but Marinette knows I can't stay mad at her.

"Okay Marinette. I'll admit I like you, but jealous is a bit of a stretch."

Marinette boops my nose, causing me to involuntarily scrunch my face. She giggles and removes my hat, only to place it on her head.

I smooth my hair back and Marinette surprises me by initiating a kiss. She has to get on her toes to do it, but she does it.

I hook a finger in Marinette's sleeve to pull her closer. She wraps her arms around my neck to steady herself.

I smile and close my eyes as Marinette pulls away, remembering this moment.


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