Alix x Toxic! Reader Part 2

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"Do we have to do this?"

I bury my face in my hands as Alix nods. I love her, but meeting up with our friends who dislike my toxic behavior?

I have been working on it, thanks to Alix, but this is going to be uncomfortable for all of us. Alix has to know this, too. She may think it's helpful, but personally, I am not ready for this.

There is a time and place to face your problems, and I do agree that sometimes that moment is forced upon people. I feel like I should have more time.

Alix squeezes my hand as we enter Marinette's parent's store. Marinette's mom smiles at us.

"Hello girls. Marinette and the others are just upstairs. Go ahead and join them."

I glance around.

...Is she in on this too? It sounds like she's involved in this.

Alix just guides me upstairs, and I mean all the way upstairs. I've never been here before. I've never climbed so many stairs in one sitting. I guess I've never actually exercised a day in my life.

Upon reaching Marinette's room, the others are sitting in a circle. What the fuck? Is this an intervention?

Well, it's either that, or we'll be summoning demons with this circle.

I look around. I'm sure I could jump out of the window if I have to-

"Take a seat, please."

I narrow my eyes at Marinette. She said that with the most monotonous tone I have ever heard. She, along with everyone else, also has glazed eyes.

Are we sure the demons aren't already here?

Alix pulls me to the group. I sit down only after she does.

"Nice place you have here, Marinette."

No response, just the same deadpan expression. I run my hands up and down my arms. Creepy.

I look over at Alix. She's just smiling as if nothing is wrong. Do you not see what is happening right now, Alix?

My heart pounds as I look back at the group. They're all locked on me.

"I'm not exactly sure why I was invited here, since I know I haven't exactly been the best person."

Once again, I glance around at everyone. For just a fraction of a second, I see the corner of Marinette's mouth quirk up, before returning to a resting position.

"For that, I apologize, and I mean it. Sometimes, I catch myself seeing my own wants as more important. If they were my own needs, I don't think it would be as bad, but since they're just petty wants, it makes me seem petty."

I turn to Alix, holding her hands in my own. She looks like she didn't expect me to involve her in my little speech. The corner of my lips quirk up, giving Alix my famous smirk that she just loves.

Yeah, she's blushing now.

"However, I don't want to act like this was all me. It's all thanks to this girl sitting beside me that I even made the effort to change."

I cup Alix's cheek, running my thumb along the corner of her mouth.

"Again, I'm sorry. Now, can we please talk about why all of you look like you're dead inside?"

It's quiet for a few moments. Soon, I hear someone exhale through their nose. I look over and Alya starts laughing. The others join her soon after, including Alix.

I raise an eyebrow as the others calm down. They're all smiles.

"(Y/N), you should have seen the faces you made. I didn't know humans had several different expressions to show fear."

I huff and cross my arms. I understand wanting to scare a confession out of someone, but did they have to look like an alien was going to burst out of them at any second?

Marinette places a hand on my shoulder and gives me a genuine smile.

"Regardless, we know you have changed. We just wanted to hear it come out of your mouth to see how you would describe your progress."

Marinette nods toward Alix. I turn to her now.

"Yeah. I knew all along, too. Sorry for leading you on. I know you thought we were just going to hang out like usual."

I want to be angry, but I can't, not at Alix. I smile.

"It's fine. I'll just have to revoke your kiss privileges."

Alix pouts and crosses her arms. I giggle. How can I refuse that?

I gently uncross her arms as I lean forward. I don't want to crush them.

I feel Alix flare as our lips connect. She places a hand on the side of our heads, almost as if she's trying to hide.

I pull back slightly, her lips just barely touching my own. My eyes dart to the side and I see everyone else looking at us kissing.

Oh right.

Alix doesn't really show her soft side to her friends. I wink at her.

"We'll finish this later, won't we?"

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