Félix x Reader Lemon

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"You may now kiss the bride."

We all start cheering when Adrien and Marinette kiss.

Fucking finally. It only took them their entire adolescence.

I mean, Adrien's dad was also a factor to it. It's like he wouldn't let his son get married unless he was able to pick the bride.

After so much convincing, his dad finally agreed on Marinette. When I look over at him, he actually looks happy for Adrien.

I squeeze Félix's hand. I hope we get married like that some day.


Well would you look at that. I'm getting married!

My dad is ready and holds his arm out for me. I gladly link mine with his and wait for the pianist to play the traditional wedding song.

Everyone stands as I enter. Everyone smiles at me as I walk down the aisle.

Adrien and Marinette are sitting near the front on Félix's side. That's where we were sitting at their wedding.

I stand in front of Félix. If I thought he wore fancy clothing before, nothing compares to this.

Félix lifts up my veil, revealing my blush to him and everyone else in the room.

"Welcome family, friends, and loved ones. We gather here today to celebrate the wedding of (Y/N) and Félix."

The minister says some more stuff, but I'm lost in Félix's eyes.

I'm thinking of everything we're going to do together. We're going to see the most beautiful places together, go through all our hardships together, maybe even start a family.

"I do."

I snap back to the current environment as those words leave Félix's mouth.

"Do you, (Y/N), take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

The words bubble up in my chest right away. My heart yearns to get these words out.

"I do."

"By the power of your love and commitment, and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Félix leans down and gently kisses me. It drowns out the cheering that erupts soon after.

I will never forget this day.


I'm so excited right now.

Félix and I are currently on our way to see Adrien and Marinette. They had a child recently, and we're going over to see them for the first time.

I thank the chauffeur as he opens the door for me. I look back when Félix isn't with me.

He's still sitting in the limo.

"Aren't you coming?"

Félix gives me an apologetic smile.

"My apologies, (Y/N). I still have some work to do. After I finish making preparations as a new CEO, I will come as quickly as I can. I love you."

I smile and nod.

"I love you too."

The chauffeur closes the door and sits in the driver's seat. I watch as they drive away, somewhat upset that Félix did not mention this to me beforehand.

I knock on the door, smiling when I hear Marinette squeak on the other side.

"(Y/N)! Please, come in."

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now