Marinette x Reader

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'Ugh, I just want this class to be over already.'

I sigh and rest my chin on my hand. Differential equations... I have no interest in them. I don't think anyone here has interest in them, except for Max. Glancing down at him, I notice he's avid about his notes on the subject.

Other than Max, everyone is just doing their own thing. Marinette looks like she's up in the clouds. At least she's in a blissful state of mind, unlike me.

Ah, Marinette. If only she knew how I felt about her, I mean, only if she feels the same way. From my experiences, since girls compliment each other so much, most girls don't realize you're flirting. With how naive Marinette is, and how she's head over heels for Adrien, I don't think she'll realize I'm flirting with her.

As I close my notebook, I hear an explosion. By everyone's reaction, the sound wasn't in my head.

At this point, I'm pretty much out the door before everyone else and absolutely booking it to my apartment. I don't want to stay long enough to interact with whatever the threat is. I trust Ladybug and Cat Noir to handle it.

"I'm home!"

No answer. Maybe my parents went grocery shopping? I would think my sister would be home at this time, too. Hopefully, they didn't get caught up with the villain.

I head up to my room. As I set my backpack down, I notice a small box on my bed.

"What the fuck?"

Someone broke in? My parents are going to be fuming when they hear about this. I slowly approach my bed. It can't hurt to see what's inside... right?

I pick up the box and slowly open it, only to be blinded immediately.

"What the-"

A high pitched sound is heard along with the light. I close my eyes and cover my ears, removing my hands a few seconds later.

In front of me is a... wolf? Or at least, a minature humanoid version of a wolf. It bows gracefully before staring deep into my soul.

"Greetings, my new alpha. I am Lupe, the Kwami of the Wolf Miraculous."

I stare at Lupe blankly, trying togather my thoughts.

"Uh... I'm (Y/N). I don't have an epithet of any kind."

Lupe smiles.

"Well, (Y/N), as the holder of the Wolf Miraculous, you obviously have the ability to transform into a wolf themed superhero. You have the pleasure of naming yourself. Please don't choose anything cringy, or else I will willingly return to the guardian."

"I'll try not to choose something cringy. Could you please explain my powers?"

Lupe sits in the palm of my hand.

"Just like other Miraculous holders, your physical abilities are increased while transformed. Your weapon is a pair of sai. Your special ability is called 'Blood Moon Hunt'. It allows your body to move as fast as a wolf, as well as have the sense of smell and hearing of a wolf. It will last two minutes, then you will have five minutes before you forcefully transform back."

I look out the window. I don't see Ladybug or Cat Noir anywhere. I do, however, see the police arresting a man who is tweaking. Yikes, he's yelling something about wanting to blow up the whole city? At least it wasn't a villain causing the destruction of Paris. I look back at Lupe.

"So, what do I need to do to transform?"

I start imitating the movements of an animal getting ready to pounce. Lupe shakes her head, before gesturing to the box.

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now