Prince! Male! Marinette x Reader Lemon

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I laugh at my friend's joke.

Who would have known the king was such a dunce?

He seems to throw out materials to anyone that begs, whether they actually need them or not.

I get that he wants to be helpful to the people that need it most, but if we keep going down this path, the kingdom won't have many materials left for itself.

That's why I like the prince, Marin.

He seems to know exactly what needs to be given to the people, as well as what royalty needs to use in order to help the kingdom.

Speak of the devil, he's in the town square right now.

The look he gives women is enough to kill, even if he does not officially announce you as his consort.

I have never been looked at by him, no matter what, and it kills me.

What could my companions have that Idon't?

If Prince Marin is just looking for appearances, that's pretty shallow.

Oh wait, is he looking my way?

I just smile and turn back to my friends.

"Oh, what a wonderful story!"

I laugh along with the rest of them as all the details are out in the open. Regardless of what my friends say, I'm putting all my attention toward the feeling that I'm being watched by the prince.


I'm finally home. That was a long day.

I'm finally going to get out of my corset. It honestly feels like it's squeezing me, but it's popular in these times, so I won't argue.

I sigh as I finally get the corset off.

God, I've heard stories from other women about how corsets have absolutely shaped their bodies to that hourglass figure.

I get that men may like that body type, but if it's done by corset, it's completely unnatural.

I just don't get how-

"Hello, milady."

I slowly turn around, only to see Ladybeetle staring at me.

Oh yeah, I suppose I should mention I have a crush on Ladybeetle as well.

He looks so similar to the prince. If they were the same person, I'd probably faint.

"It looks like you're having trouble. Would you mind if I helped?"

I shake my head. Ladybeetle approaches me. With the two of us, my undressing goes much faster.

I fully face Ladybeetle, even while nude.

"Well, I suppose you need a reward for your task. This isn't exactly saving the people, but rather saving one person whom you care about."

I wrap my arms around his neck. He seems to have trouble resisting me.

Well, I am completely naked, after all.

Ladybeetle quickly crashes his lips on my own. I eagerly return the kiss, exploring his body with my hands.

"I appreciate everything you do, but why don't you take that off? It must be warm for you~"

I wink as I see a blush cover Ladybeetle's cheeks.

I saunter over to the bed, almost mocking him, wanting him to join me.

"Come on, Ladybeetle. Claim your prize for being such a great member of society, protecting defenseless women like me~"

As I turn back, Ladybeetle is almost nude. How did he do that?

Regardless, he joins me on the bed, kissing me longer than before. I allow his hands to explore my body.

"You're such a gentleman, taking your time. I just adore men like you."

This seems to add to Ladybeetle's ego.

He gladly becomes rougher with his touches, and I moan in response.

As he gives me a gentle kiss, I feel a sharp pain down below.


He quickly silences me with another kiss. My sisters are downstairs, so I'm grateful for his action.

Ladybeetle seems to like taking it slow. I don't mind, it just means more pleasure for me.

I break away from him and moan. I get that he wants to keep me quiet, but I just can't help myself.

Throughout our sensual night, I moan at every little thing he does.

Suck on my neck? Moan.

Hands wandering down my body? Definitely moan.

Ladybeetle knows what he's doing. I would give anything to meet him without the mask. Just to have this man as a partner would be the highlight of my life.

I squeal and toss my head back as Ladybeetle hits a certain spot.

"I found your weakness, my fair lady~"

Ladybeetle tortures me by hitting against that specific spot over and over, taking note of when my voice gets higher pitched.

"My lady, I am about to..."

I feel my core tightening as well. I grip Ladybeetle's shoulder.

I kiss him again.

"It's fine. Just not inside."

He quickly nods before pulling out a few seconds later.

We moan in harmony, allowing all of our fluids to go where they wish.

I'm already feeling tired. Ladybeetle knows how to tire a woman, huh?

I close my eyes, letting sleep overtake me.


I wake up as I hear someone constantly knocking at my door.

I groan before realizing the state of myself.

I'm still naked, but my clothes are neatly folded and the bed is clean.

I quickly dress myself before going over to the door.

"(Y/N)! The prince! He is here to see you!"

I make sure I'm at least presentable to Prince Marin before joining my sisters downstairs. There is a guard with the prince.

I bow before him, but he quickly takes my hand and kisses it.

"My fair lady, accompany me to the palace, if you will?"

I glance to my sisters, seeing them with smiles, before nodding.

Prince Marin smiles and leads me to the carriage.

The horses immediately know where to go, even without the coachman.

"You have your horses trained well, don't you, your majesty?"

The prince chuckles as he leans closer to me.

Something about him seems familiar.

"My lady, I must tell you, since it pains me to keep it a secret from you. I am Ladybeetle."

My eyes widen, but a small part of me expected this.

It's like I knew deep down that the prince was the savior of our kingdom.

I don't allow him to say another word before I kiss him. I'm glad the carriage driver cannot see us right now.

"My lady... No...My future wife... Please allow me to make room in the castle for you. You will be my future bride."

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