Lila x Reader

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"Hey (Y/N)~"

I turn and smile as my seatmate, Lila Rossi, sets her bag down. She already has a smile on her face and scoots her chair closer to mine.

I don't mind the close contact. I like having Lila close to me.

Everyone else says that she constantly lies. I was been there when Marinette argued with her about several things.

Back then, I wasn't friends with Lila. I actually hated how much she lied about the smallest things.

I had to work with her on a project once and thought she was going to try to make me work on her section. Instead, she worked on her section completely, and it was so good it got us extra credit.

Anyway, Lila is leaning her head on my shoulder as I draw random doodles in my notebook.

"You're such a talented artist, (Y/N). I wish I could draw as well as you do."

I'm glad she's focusing on my artwork. This way, she can't see me blush.

As much as I am told liking Lila is a bad idea, I don't listen to what anyone else says.

"I could teach you, if you want?"

Lila just snuggles closer to me, and I see the other students giving us dirty looks. I slide my arm out of Lila's grasp.

"Sorry. Let's not do that here."

Class starts, but I can tell Lila is pissed with me for pulling away.


As I prepare to leave, I try to say something to Lila, but she just flat out ignores me.


I give her one last smile before walking out of the classroom. If she doesn't want to talk, then fine, I'll go.

I'm washing my hands in the bathroom when I hear the door open. I don't bother looking up, it's just another student needing to use the bathroom.

As I turn off the water, someone shoves me to the wall. When I turn to see who it is, Lila closes in on me.

Her hands are placed on either side of me, and she's so close I can barely move. She's furious.

"(Y/N), I've fucking had it with you! I've been straightforward with you about everything, but you still don't listen."

Lila slams her fist on the wall next to my head.

What did I do wrong? Am I just dense?

"I'm going to ruin your life, (Y/N). Say goodbye to all your friends, and do it quick, because I'll act faster."

Lila gives me a devilish smirk.

You know, if I wasn't trapped between Lila and the wall in such a tense scenario, I would be so turned on right now.

"Straightforward? Lila, do you like me?"

Lila's eyes narrow at me before she pulls away. Her hands grab her head in frustration, like she couldn't even believe that I asked that.

"I like you too."

That seems to calm her down. She calms down so quickly it's scary. She closes in on me again, except this time for a good reason.

Lila immediately closes the distance between us. I'm pressed against the wall as Lila's hand presses into my shoulder.

Her free hand trails down my side. It slides under my shirt and I shudder at the contact.

I pull away as Lila's hand starts to go too high. Lila didn't like that.

"Lila, we are in the school bathroom. We should at least wait until we're somewhere more private."

Lila smiles at this and quickly takes my hand while nodding.

Fuck, I should not have given her that idea.

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