Marin x Reader

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I sigh happily as I stare at my wall.

Pictures of my long time crush, Marin, are covering the wall.

Several times, my parents have asked me 'who the fuck is covering your wall?' but I just tell them he's the love of my life.

They've never met Marin, despite him living down the street from me. If they did, I'm sure they'd get a kick out of showing him my room.

I finish cutting another picture in the shape of a heart.

It was initially a selfie with our group of friends, but I used my expertise to make it only us.

I glance at the clock. Oh yikes, I'm going to be late.


Throughout the day, seeing Marin fills me with so much joy. Even if he doesn't talk to me on certain days, I still like seeing him smile, or hearing his laugh.

"You like Marin, don't you?"

I whirl around, only to find Adriana giggling.

I blush and quickly wave them off.

"I understand why. Marin is good looking, he's nice to everyone including people who are rude for no reason, he helps others constantly... I'm sure you could go on about this for hours."

I playfully hit Adriana's arm.

Well, she is right. I could go on about Marin for hours. I could write several books about him, maybe make a TV show...

"Would Marin even go for me?"

I glance back over at him. He's laughing with a few of his friends. One girl in particular is averting all eye contact and constantly blushing.

"I can tell he's interested in someone. Nathaniel asked him out, but was politely rejected. I know a couple of girls asked him out who were also politely rejected. Shoot your shot."

I take a few deep breaths before nodding.

Adriana gives me a thumbs up as I approach Marin. His friends start nudging him in the side as I clear my throat.

"Can I talk to you in private?"

I can swear I hear someone say 'go get her, bro' in Marin's ear as he nods.

We sit on a bench located far enough away so no one can hear us.

"(Y/N), may I go first?"

I stop in the middle of my thought. I smile and gesture for him to go first.

Marin smiles and folds his hands in his lap.

"(Y/N), whenever I look at you, I see what gives me strong motivation to do anything. Whenever I'm stressed or in a difficult situation, I just think of you and what you would probably do to fix it."

Marin releases a shaky breath as he smiles at me.

"When I have a happy moment, I think of what it would be like for you to experience it with me. I think about how much you would laugh, how much your eyes would light up when you see something you like, and how talkative you would get about certain subjects."

Marin grabs my hands and shifts closer to me.

"I love you, (Y/N)... May I... kiss you?"

The perfect gentleman.

Almost immediately after I nod, Marin gently presses his lips to mine.

Soft, inviting movements make my heart explode. This is everything I ever wanted.

"Marin... I..."

"I know (Y/N), that was magical."

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now