Alix x Popular! Reader

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I high five Kim as I enter the classroom. He is popular because of his athleticism. I'm popular because, well, it's me. Who wouldn't want to hang around me?

Even Chloé treats me as if I'm an elite member of society. She still makes snarky comments sometimes, but it's not bad enough to make me go on a rampage.

I lean back in my seat as people turn to me. They speak, but I don't listen. I'm focused on the pink haired girl sitting a couple rows in front of me.

Alix Kubdel.

I've never actually been to any of the competitions, but Kim says Alix is one hell of a competitor. I've seen her with her rollerblades just rolling around places. At least she can keep her balance. I can't even do that with a skateboard.

I smile at a compliment I only heard part of. I receive endless attention and compliments every day from the same people, but I've never gotten one from Alix.

I have, however, caught Alix staring at me from time to time. No one has told me if Alix said anything negative behind my back, so I know she's not thinking of me in a bad way.

I stroke my chin as I daydream.

It must be my charm that makes Alix think of me. I mean, what else could it be? What else could make me popular?

I smooth my hair back. Could it be my dashing looks? I brush off imaginary dust.

No, it can't be. Liking someone purely for their looks is shallow. It has to be my expressive personality that catches her attention.

I snap back to reality when someone squeezes my shoulder. Chloé is leaning over me, staring at me expectantly.

"Aren't you going to be my date to my daddy's reelection party?"

I glance down at Alix. She is leaving quickly after hearing what Chloé asked. I barely shake my head before racing after her.

I manage to stop Alix before she completely leaves. I place a hand on the doorway and give Alix my best smile.

"So, how a-"

"Are you serious?! You'd rather take her than me?"

I huff out a laugh.

"I never said I was going to your dad's party, whether I was your date or not."

Chloé looks as if I just slapped her across the face while insulting her. I might as well have to get a better result in the long run.

A laugh escapes Alix, who soon shuts her mouth once Chloé glares at her. She still has a big smile on her face, though.

I leave with Alix before Chloé can really blow up on us. She turns to me.

"(Y/N), why did you leave with me instead of Chloé?"

I raise an eyebrow. Chloé, in my opinion, is horrid. Since she became Queen Bee, she's gotten better with dealing with people, but change takes time.

"Chloé is a far better choice to be with concerning social status."

I laugh before burying my face in my hands. I look at Alix with a smile. Ah, forever the jokester you are, Alix.

"Am I happy to be considered popular? Yeah, but all the attention in the world doesn't mean anything if it comes from suck-ups."

I think back to Chloé. Her feelings may be genuine, but I don't believe they aren't influenced somewhat by my popularity.

"You? You're quite honest in your critiques. So, I would like to hear your honest opinion about me."

I step back, allowing Alix to get a full view of me. I twirl around and strike a pose at the end. Her cheeks gain a pink tint when I wink at her.

"You have a flair of arrogance, but it's not as bad as it could be. You still show that you care for others, and I do see what you mean. When you're constantly complimented, you become desensitized to it. I see you practically ignore people half the time."

I rub the back of my neck with a nervous laugh. Ah, so people are aware of me doing that?

"Despite all that, I also like the way you look. Your charm, too. Sometimes I think you're just faking it, but you're naturally that charming."

Damn, it's my turn to blush now.

I've definitely received compliments on everything about me, but hearing it come from someone you reserve your heart for is amazing.

"Mind showing me exactly what charms you the most?"

Alix hesitates for a moment before wrapping her arms around my neck. I stay exactly where I am, making Alix work for the kiss.

I place my hands on her hips as our lips connect. Alix pulls me toward her, tilting her head slightly as she does so.

I push myself into Alix now, showing her how I truly feel. My hand slowly drags itself up the back of Alix's neck. I press into the base of Alix's skull as I pull away, enjoying the sounds coming out of her mouth.

I lick my lips as we completely separate this time.

Who would have known someone so blunt could be so sweet?

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن