Chat Noir x Reader

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Adrien Agreste?

Ha. So many girls fall for him, wish for him to appear in front of their door and confess their love to him, but not me. I am in love with Chat Noir, the famous superhero of Paris, alongside Ladybug.

I mean, they do look similar, so why aren't as many girls falling for Chat Noir?

Oh well, they don't know what they're missing.

I glance up at Ms. Mendeleiev speaking about halogens before looking back down. My sketchbook, compiled of many, many drawings of Chat Noir is almost complete. I will never show this book to a single person for as long as I live... because... I love him.

I love Chat Noir.

I love the fact he puts himself in harm's way just to keep us safe, to keep me safe. I love his charm and his jokes, as awful as they may be. I love his smile, his hair, his eyes, even though they're green, I'm sure his real eyes are just as beautiful.

The bell rings and takes me out of my thoughts. I shut my sketchbook and place it at the bottom of my backpack. Nobody will get to it if there is a bulky chemistry textbook on top of it.

Ah, lunchtime, the best time of the day. Well, next to seeing Chat Noir in action.

I sit on a nearby bench and open my backpack to retrieve my lunch. While I glance around, I notice Adrien and Nino looking at me, who then look away immediately after.

Does... does Nino like me? I wouldn't expect someone like Adrien to go after me. He has so many other girls practically following him wherever he goes. Girls that are so much prettier than me who would do anything to just get him to breathe in their direction.

I would say Nino is more in my league, although I thought he was dating Alya? So it can't be Nino. Maybe...?

I shake my head as I enter the restroom to wash my hands.

Adrien? Really?

I dry my hands and exit the bathroom.

"Wow. Look what I found everybody!"

I look for the source of the voice, and my jaw drops when I see who it is.


Chloé turns toward me and smirks.

"Gather around everyone! I have an important announcement to make!"

I start walking toward Chloé, before breaking out in a sprint.

"You went through my stuff?!"

Chloé steps to the side as I am about to grab the sketchbook back. I stumble, but catch myself before I fall. I quickly stand and face Chloé again, ready to absolutely slap this girl to hell and back.

Chloé opens the sketchbook and turns it toward the people crowding around her.

"As we can all see, our dear friend (Y/N) has a bit of a crush on Chat Noir."

She turns the page, showing even more drawings of Chat Noir. Some have me with him, others don't.

"I hate to break it to you, (Y/N), but Chat Noir will never love you."

Chloé keeps turning pages until she finds the one I never wanted anyone to see, more than any of the others.

"Oh my, you seem to have an active imagination. Chat Noir is kissing you with so much passion. It seems like your little crush is a full blown love interest. Too bad he'll never love you back, because this is just creepy."

That was it. It was that last line that made the tears come to my eyes.

I look around at everyone. Some people are smiling, others are glaring at Chloé, and a few more give me looks of sympathy. I notice Adrien with a sad smile, before his expression completely contorts into anger.

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now