Villain! Lila x Hero! Reader

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I shake my head as I jump from building to building.

Lila is akumatized... again. I just wish she wouldn't lie so much.

I want to like her. I really do. In fact, I already have somewhat of a crush on her, but with the constant lies, who knows when she's telling the truth?

There's already so much shit going on in this world. Having someone constantly lie about every little thing, which end up turning into big things is not good.

When I arrive, Ladybug and Cat Noir are already fighting Lila, who has now taken the appearance of some sort of devil. When she speaks, I notice her silver tongue.

Ah, so she's a literal silver tongued devil. It fits her.

"You heroes are so overrated. You save the city over and over, and for what? For a few people to cheer before acting like nothing bad even happened a minute later? Pathetic."

At those words, I feel myself-confidence drop.

Huh? That's weird. I'm normally not fazed by what a villain says because it's usually a bunch of bullshit.

Looking at Ladybug and Cat Noir, they have the same feelings about this that I do. It seems like Lila's powers involve people believing whatever she says.

I bolster the confidence I have left and step forward.

"You can call us pathetic all you want, but I don't see us failing anytime soon."

I scan over every part of her body to locate the akuma. No earrings, no necklace, no bracelet...

I quickly turn toward Ladybug and Cat Noir before tapping on my ring finger. They understand as I turn back to Lila.

...I gave her that ring earlier today. She loved it, but I can't help but feel like I had something to do with this since the akuma is in the ring.

"Especially you! Do you think you actually help Ladybug and Cat Noir? You just hold them back. You're just a bootleg superhero who only receives a mere fraction of the fame because the citizens of Paris don't want you to feel left out."

I cower just the slightest bit, but I know Lila sees it. She doesn't know that it's (Y/N) behind the mask right in front of her, but it still hurts to hear her say those things, especially since it's what she genuinely believes.

"Is that how you treat (Y/N)? Do you belittle her every single chance you get because you know she takes your words to heart? Do you-"

I jump back right before Lila crushes the ground where I was just standing.

"Don't you dare say that! I would never treat her like that! I always give her my full attention, but I can't right now because I'm dealing with people like you!"

I dodge a few more attacks as Lila puts more power behind her punches.

After hearing her say that, I have a conflicted feeling. She genuinely cares about me as (Y/N), but she genuinely hates the heroes.

It feels like her powers are tearing my mind and my heart in two different directions.

I grab her wrist and slam her on the ground, plucking the ring off of the finger and stomping on it.

I leave without seeing the aftermath, seeing Lila turn back into herself...

I quickly retreat to my house and detransform. Lies, lies, more lies...

How do I deal with this?

"(Y/N), Lila is here~"

Don't say her name like that, mom. I have so much stuff swirling around in my head right now.

I take a few deep breaths as I hear Lila ascend the stairs.

"Hey there~ I got you something in return for the ring."

She hands me a box. Inside, there is a necklace with several jewels.

"I had it made special for you. Those expert jewelers in Nepal really know what they're doing."

I increase my grip on the necklace as I look her in the eye.

Yeah, I'm sure they do.

"Actually, (Y/N)..."

Lila closes in on me, causing me to instinctively step back. I keep going until I fall backward onto the bed.

She crawls over me, letting her hair pool around my head.

"I know how much you take my words to heart, so I wanted to let you know that I love you."

Even with several parts of my brain saying this is a bad idea for multiple reasons, I allow Lila to kiss me.

Her lips are soft and I like how she's gently stroking my cheek.

My heart flutters at every little action Lila does. Soon, my eyes flutter open.

"(Y/N), know that I would never lie to you. If anyone else tells you otherwise, they are a liar who wants to see our relationship destroyed. It will be just us, only us. That's all that matters."

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora