Depressed! Chat Noir x Reader

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"Come on Chat Noir! You can do it!"

I don't know what it is, but Chat Noir hasn't been fighting well recently. He also looks tired often, but reassures everyone that he sleeps as much as a cat does.

Joke or not, I don't think Chat Noir is okay.

Currently, he's barely holding his own against the villain. I know if he can just find a little spark of motivation, he could beat them in less than a minute.

Ladybug distracts the villain, giving Chat Noir enough time to Cataclysm the akumatized object.

I smile and place a hand on my chest. I knew he could do it.

Even so, Chat Noir looks down. It's like he doesn't think he did a good job. Dude, you saved us yet again, we're so thankful for you, yet you can't see that.

As Ladybug and Chat Noir fist bump, I approach them.

Ladybug must know me in real life, because as soon as she sees me, she winks before leaving. What a wingwoman, giving me time alone with Chat Noir.

As he turns, I see him force a smile. It pains me to know Chat Noir thinks he can't be genuine around people.

"Hey, uh, you know who I am outside the persona, right?"

He nods, taking note of his ring.

"Well, I was hoping you could come over later. I want to talk to you. Hopefully around seven?"

Chat Noir nods again, giving me a two finger salute before leaving.


I'm impatient as hell.

I know we agreed on seven, but some part of me thinks he'll be here early, even if just by a few minutes.

As if my thoughts were projected to reality, Chat Noir is outside my window.

I frown when I let him in.

He looks like he hasn't been taking care of himself. His hair is all over the place, he looks kind of pale, and his eyes are glazed over.

"Chat Noir... Is everything alright?

I sit with him on the bed. Maybe I should get him some hot cocoa, or just something warm to drink.

Chat Noir hugs my stuffed animals and lies down. Maybe I won't get him something warm to drink. I'll just stay here with him.

"Everything just seems so... tiring. I don't get it. So many of the things I used to love doing now just seem like a burden to me."

Chat Noir looks over and gestures for me to join him.

I grab another stuffed animal as I lie next to him.

"Along with that, I've recently felt like I've been a burden to the people around me. It creates conflict in the mind when I'm supposed to protect you and everyone else, but can barely bring myself to get out of bed."


I have my bouts of seasonal depression from time to time, but this is more serious.

I hesitantly link our hands, ready to apologize if Chat Noir pulls away.

"I know I can't compare to you or what you do for me in the slightest, but if you need anything, I'm here for you."

Chat Noir smiles and sets the stuffed animals aside. I do the same.

"...hold me?"

I pull him toward me, and I can tell he enjoys being the little spoon.

As much as I have feelings for him, I'm not going to throw that on top of what he's already feeling.

I can wait for Chat Noir to be ready for a relationship, no matter how long it takes.

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant