Yandere! Kagami x Short! Shy! Neko! Reader Part 2

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Today has certainly been... interesting.

Nobody at school has talked to me all day. No one except Kagami and barely Alya.

I really wanted to talk to Marinette about our project, too, but she's late yet again.

The only other person I've talked to was Alya, who told me about Marinette, but quickly said her goodbyes when Kagami showed up.

So, Kagami has been acting kind of weird lately. She's been kind of obsessive over me, which I wouldn't mind if she wasn't so creepy about it.

I appreciate that she takes the time to notice every little detail about me, but fuck, she knows stuff about me that I didn't even know.

Also, she smells like blood sometimes. I get it, girls have periods, but to smell like blood several times a week every week? It's just confusing.

Speaking of confusing, I don't even know what Chloé is doing over there. It's like she's trying to avoid being shady but is actually being the most noticeable person here.

No one is doing anything, which isn't a surprise, so I decide to do something.

"...hey Chloé. Do you need any-"

Chloé snatches my beanie from my head and runs. I cover my ears as quickly as I can, hoping no one was looking at us.

Kagami immediately chases Chloé down as I put my hood up.

I've never seen Kagami run that fast before. I think she's actually faster than Kim, and he fucking ran across Paris to attempt to ask Chloé out.

After a couple of minutes, I decide to go look for them. They couldn't have gone that far off of school grounds, could they?

As I am walking, my ear twitches in the direction of a whimper. Kagami's scent is that way as well.

I follow the scent until I reach a dark alley. My sense of smell might be off. Am I sure they went this way?

Soon, my eyes adjust to see two figures. One of them is on the ground backed up against the wall.


The standing figure snaps toward me. Yep. It's Kagami.

By that, I can assume the person on the ground is Chloé, who slowly looks at me as well. Her breathing is shallow and I can practically smell fear on her.

I stiffen as I smell more blood. As much as I dislike Chloé, Kagami went too far if she hurt her over taking my beanie.

Yeah, I'm pissed too, but even I think Chloé doesn't deserve this.

"...did you get the hat?"

Kagami looks between the two of us before slowly nodding. I motion for her to come back. She does in an instant, completely forgetting Chloé on the ground.

She pushes my hood back before putting the beanie on me.

"Perfect. Stay here, I need to get something from the school."

I nod and sit on a bench as Kagami goes back to the school.

Sabrina runs out a minute later, probably looking for Chloé.

"(Y/N)! Have you seen Chloé? No one else has seen any sign of her."

I tell her everything, minus the fact that Chloé might be hurt because of Kagami. Sabrina thanks me before running off toward the alley.

Kagami returns a few minutes later holding a box.

"Let's go."

I nod and we start walking home. I glance a few times at the box.

It's small, but it's clearly a gift for me and the cat pattern on the wrapping shows it.

As we enter my house, I turn to Kagami with an apologetic smile.

"Kagami, I'm sorry. If I knew you got something for me, I would have gotten you something."

Kagami smiles as she pulls me to the couch.

"I don't mind. I'll be happy just from seeing you open your gift."

I smile as I take the gift. It's neatly wrapped, so I neatly remove the wrapping as well.

I open the box.

"A... collar?"

Yes. It is a collar with a bell on it. It's in my favorite color as well.

Kagami puts the collar on me. It has a little tag on it with the words 'Forever mine' engraved on it.

It's a perfect fit. Not too tight nor too loose.

Kagami drags a finger down my jawline to the collar.

"That looks wonderful on you."

She kisses me slowly, the bell jingling every time I move my head.

"Perfect. Now I'll know where you are all the time."

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon