Félix x Reader Part 2

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Félix has only been in Paris for about a week now, but we've spent so much of our time together.

His mom was actually very happy once she saw me again, and even made a comment about how I would brighten her son's life.

Right now, we're currently in the museum.

Félix has constantly apologized about how he talked about taking me to see the wonders of the world, but we're still in Paris.

I always tell him I don't mind as long as I get to spend time with him. I really don't mind.

Félix has dropped the cold attitude with Adrien and our friends. He's nearly back to the person he was when we were children.

He has explained the situation with his father passing away, and I feel for him, I really do. I understand that losing a parent is hard, and that some people never get over it.

Ever since then, I've been even more tender with Félix than usual, and I was already giving all my heart to him.

"Hmm. I really like this piece. I can feel what the artist was going through when they painted this."

I narrow my eyes as I examine the painting like my life depends on it. Everything just looks like random brush strokes to me.

I nod along with Félix even though I really don't know a single thing about art. All I can say is that I like the colors.

Félix shakes his head as we approach another painting.

"Now this! I can't even begin to imagine what was going on in their head when they picked up the paintbrush."

I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult.

I place a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's go somewhere else."

Félix doesn't question me and follows me to his limo.

"To the Eiffel Tower, please."

Félix raises an eyebrow as the car starts moving.

"(Y/N), haven't you seen the Eiffel Tower every day? I'm sure there's somewhere else you'd like to go."

I just smile as I shake my head.

I interlock our fingers as Félix looks toward the window to hide his blush.

"I have, but it will be a different kind of view with you there."

Félix doesn't say another word the whole ride there.

Like the gentleman he is, Félix opens my door for me. I thank him and give him a mock curtsy as he closes the door.

Félix holds my hand the entire time we make our way up the Eiffel Tower. It makes me smile at how protective he is.

Near the top, I am already seeing things I never saw before.

Before, all I saw was just Paris.

Now, it's like I can see all the little details even when I'm not paying close enough attention. Well, Félix is here to point out the smaller details, after all.

Like now, he's pointing out the architecture of some of the buildings.

I start laughing.

"What's so funny?"

I catch my breath as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"It's just cute seeing you get all technical with literal building designs. That's all."

Félix laughs when he perceives my point of view.

We inch closer to each other before finally closing the distance.

A kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower, what's more romantic than that?

Even though I've seen the Eiffel Tower every day, I've always had the dream of being kissed there.

Now here I am, being kissed by the one I knew I was destined to be with.

I pull away while playing with a stray piece of Félix's hair.

"Stay over. I'm sure Uncle Gabriel won't notice a thing if I sneak you in."

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