Ryuko x Ill! Hero! Reader

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"Ryuko, look out!"

I tackle Ryuko to keep her from being hit by stray debris. Yikes, that could have taken her head off, and that definitely would not be good.

She leans in close to whisper as we rise.

"Thank you, (Y/N)."

I smile at her before turning to the villain. What in tarnation made this man able to get control over the elements?

We came as quick as we could when we saw people running away. Ladybug and Cat Noir were already dealing with him when we arrived.

Ryuko's powers have helped, but this man is still coming at us like a charging bull.

Ryuko and I flank the other side of the villain. He's trapped. Ladybug and Cat Noir are on one side, we are covering the other side.

As we prepare to close in, a massive wave of nausea hits me. I place a hand on my head as I feel sick to my stomach.

I shake it off and advance with the others.

The villain may have elemental powers, but he's looking overwhelmed right now. We kind of are as well.

Cat Noir and I are the only ones who haven't used our special powers. Ryuko still has the water and lightning powers before her detransformation timer starts.

The villain suddenly creates a pillar of wind to propel himself upward. I look to Ryuko and give her a knowing look.

She uses her water power on the pillar. It basically becomes a water tornado and some of it sprays on us.

Despite how much it hurts me, I harness power into one of my floating ice shards.


It starts to glow and cold mist comes off of it in waves. With a flick of my wrist, the ice shard soars toward the water tornado.

It instantly freezes upon contact. The villain has to be at least 40 feet in the air by now.


Cat Noir touches the frozen pillar and it crumbles. The villain falls and Ladybug shoots a net before he can do anything. It wraps around him and restricts his movement.

Finally. He's down.

Ladybug deals with the akuma and turns to Cat Noir.

"Pound it."

Ladybug and Cat Noir fist bump before leaving. Ryuko turns to me.

"Pound it."

She holds her fist up. As I begin to raise my fist, an even worse wave of nausea washes over me. I actually stumble a bit and start to sway.

"(Y/N), are you-"

Before she can even finish, my legs give out from under me. I black out with the last thing I see being Ryuko's worried expression.

Kagami's POV:

(Y/N) just fainted!

I caught her before she hit the ground, but she's close to detransforming.

As I am in the air, (Y/N) is forced out of the transformation. I land on a nearby roof, looking around to make sure no one saw that.

I climb down and enter Master Fu's massage shop. Luckily, he has no clients right now. I detransform while setting (Y/N) down in front of him.

"Master Fu, (Y/N) fainted after we dealt with the akuma today. Her Miraculous is broken and-"

Master Fu immediately removes her Miraculous.

"Why didn't she come to me sooner?! Doesn't she know using a broken Miraculous will have dangerous effects on the holder's health?"

I just sigh while Fu is already gathering various materials.

"I will work on improving (Y/N)'s health, as well as fixing her Miraculous. Stay here and tell me immediately if her condition worsens."

I nod before Fu goes into a back room.


(Y/N)'s POV:

My eyes slowly open, only to snap back closed as I'm blinded by light. My head is killing me.

I turn in my bed a bit. Someone quickly shifts next to me. I slowly open my eyes again, glad Kagami is blocking the light.

I smile as I turn to face Kagami completely.

"Hey (Y/N), take it easy. You'll feel better if you don't move."

I just give a small nod as I feel myself sink into the mattress. Kagami crosses her arms.

"Honestly, what the fuck were you thinking?"

My eyes widen at this. I've never heard Kagami swear before.

"You purposely use your broken Miraculous over and over even though you know it has severe negative effects. You've read the section in the grimoire about broken Miraculous. What were you thinking?"

Yeah, Kagami has a point. In my heart, though, I know what I'm doing is right.

"I see how this looks bad, and don't get me wrong, it is bad. I just care about you too much to see you get hurt by anything. I'd use that broken Miraculous ten times over if it meant I could protect you."

Kagami smiles and places a hand on my cheek.

"(Y/N), you dummy."

With that, she kisses me. She doesn't push too hard to keep from hurting me. My arm slowly finds its way to Kagami's shoulder.

I quickly pull her in bed with me.

"(Y/N), I told you not to move around!"

I just smile and hold her close to me.


Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now