Alix x Bully! Reader Part 2

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"Okay (Y/N), just do the breathing exercise Marinette taught you."

I close my eyes and inhale for four seconds, hold it, exhale for four seconds, hold it. Repeat.

Every time I do it, it makes me feel stupid. Like, am I really doing breathing exercises because someone pissed me off?


I nod as I sigh. It might make me feel stupid, but if it helps, it helps.

Alix pats my arm as we continue our walk. She thought it would be a good idea to go in public, then practice these breathing exercises whenever I see something that would prompt me to say what's on my mind.

I have to agree, there are definitely more things to get mad at in public spaces than at a confined area like school. At least in school, you expect other teenagers to ac tfoolishly. Adults shouldn't be acting like fools in public unless it's part of a gag or something.

Back when Alix sat me in front of the students I was bullying, I learned that some of them definitely took my words to heart. Others didn't really care about what I said, but instead that I even had the audacity to say the things I did.

Did I apologize? Yeah, and I admit at the time my apology definitely didn't sound genuine. Since then, I have apologized several more times.

I'm getting better at this. Sure, I do still say some harsh things, but Alix is usually there to help me discern if something is okay or not to say without context. She knows better than anyone since she doesn't hide what she's thinking either.

I grimace at a bird's call. I'm not too keen on bird breeds, all I know is that I dislike this certain sound. Alix gives me a look that asks 'Are you really about to fight a bird?'

Thinking about the actual scenario unfolding makes me laugh. The bird would probably fly away before I got close, then I would go chasing after it.

I turn to Alix, wanting to say something, but then I notice the color of the sky. A mixture of orange and pink due to the sunset, as well as clouds looking like smoke exhaled from a dragon.

The sky is beautiful, but that means it's going to get dark soon.

"Hey, I want to take you somewhere."

I stare at her for a few seconds, doing nothing but blinking, before nodding. If Alix thinks this place she's taking me to is good, then I'll follow.

As we walk, it really does get darker. The street lights really do wonders lighting the path, don't they?

Alix stops us on the bridge that overlooks the Seine. This is one of the most cliché places for romance, but if Alix has something important to say, I'll listen.

She leans forward on the railing, looking down the river. I join her, looking up at the moon instead. After realizing Alix isn't actually going to say something, I turn toward her. As if she expected me to, she turns toward me as well.

I smile, admiring Alix in the moonlight.

"Thank you, Alix. For everything. It's hard to change when you're so accustomed to acting a certain way. I didn't think I'd be able to change with no motivation. From the bottom of my heart, thank you."

Alix smiles, and I think I see her blush in the moonlight. She looks away for a few seconds, before locking eyes with me.

"You know, a couple months ago, I would not have wanted to date you. At all. You were so toxic and rude to people for no reason. Now... I can safely say my answer has changed."

I am taken aback by this. Alix... likes me back?

I'm glad it's dark. It makes it hard to see my blush. Not impossible, but if she was really looking for it, Alix would be able to see it.

I immediately start messing with my hair. Uh, what exactly do I do now? I've never been in an official relationship with anyone, and everyone knows I'm better at hurting feelings than actually showing positive ones.

I feel the blood rush to my face as Alix cups my cheek with her hand. I lean into the touch, getting the physical contact I've been missing since I was little.

Alix pulls me down, placing her free hand on the other side of my face as our lips connect. I'm not sure what to do with my hands. I don't want to hurt Alix or make her uncomfortable, so I just leave my hands at my sides.

Alix pulls away, smiling, but sees my hands as well as the look on my face.

Don't get me wrong. I'm ecstatic right now. To me, almost nothing could ruin this moment.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you. Compared to me, you're very... dainty."

Alix's expression changes to one of bewilderment, like of all things to call her, dainty was not something she was expecting.

Pretty? Yeah.

Small? Definitely.

Delicate? Absolutely not, and I even agree with that, but dainty was the first word that came to mind.

Alix crosses her arms but a giggle escapes her, before turning into a full blown laugh. I soon join her. Her laughter is contagious, especially in a situation like this.

"I knew there was something soft inside of you, but dainty?"

Alix playfully hits my arm, before holding my hand, interlocking our fingers. She looks toward the Eiffel Tower, then back at me. I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm your Eiffel Tower?"

I ask that hesitantly. I'm not exactly sure what Alix is implying, but that's the best thing that I could think of.

"If I'm dainty, you have to be something too."

I exhale through my nose as I smile, holding back a laugh. It's not the worst thing to be referenced to, as the Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous landmarks around the world. People who have never even been to Paris find it magnificent.

I stop and stare at Alix while she just smiles.


"Now you get it."

Alix leans up on her toes to kiss me on the cheek, then lightly squeezes my hand, holding me close while we walk through the city.

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang