Alix x Scared! Reader

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"Come on guys, let's go in!"

A new haunted house attraction opened up in Paris. It's attracting attention from all over the city.

A few of the girls wanted to go, so I went with them even though I can't handle horror.

As I look at the others, I can already tell Juleka is going to have such a good time unless the horror attractions are awful and look like they're out of a kid's movie.

From what I can see on the posters, everything actually looks scary. There are a few kids clinging to their parents, just like Rose is clinging to Juleka.

"Okay everyone. They want people to go off in pairs as part of the event. Juleka and Rose will obviously go together. I will go with Alya, which means Alix and (Y/N) are the final pair."

I don't mind. Alix can protect me from some cardboard monster that pops out of nowhere.

Upon seeing us already paired up, the doorman hands each of us a flashlight before stepping aside.

At first, we stick together as a group.

"Woah, it all looks so real."

I have to agree with Rose here. I'd believe it if they told me actual spiders were hired to make the spider webs.

"Yeah, including the blood."

Alix purposely steps into some red substance near her. As we shine our flashlights on it, we see it's coming from a decoration of a murdered man.

Rose squeaks and buries her face into Juleka's shoulder, who blushes as we keep walking.

It's not so bad here. Wait, why are there different doors?

"It looks like our paths have to split. Each group will take a door, then we'll meet each other on the other side, okay?"

We all nod and I see Rose hide behind Juleka.

Alix and I decide to take the first door. We all bid each other good luck as we step through our respective doors.

As the door closes behind us, my flashlight stops working. I shake it and tap the side a few times.

"I guess we're stuck with yours now."

Alix nods as she leads the way.

Now that it's just the two of us, everything seems much darker and less things stand out to me.

I can't tell the difference between some oddly shaped surfaces and human bodies. I keep thinking something is going to jump out at us.

I'm practically hiding behind Alix even though she's shorter than me.

When we turn into another corridor, all of the doors creek open. Alix shines her light into one of the rooms, and I swear I see a face looking back at us.

"We need to leave!"

I grab Alix's arm and run down the corridor without a light. All I know is that it's not the same direction we came from.

After running around for a bit in the dark, Alix looks around.

"I don't recognize where we are, but that has to be good. It has to mean we're closer to the end."

Alix is right. If I didn't take us back to the beginning, I must have taken us further into our route.

I laugh and rub the back of my neck.

"Yeah... sorry for freaking out earlier."

Alix laughs as we begin walking again.

"It's fine. I actually like seeing the expressions you make."

I blush as much as I want since Alix is keeping our flashlight in front of us.

Suddenly, a loud thud sounds from behind us. We turn around, only to see some kind of statue sprinting toward us.

I open the door closest to me and pull us in there. I pull Alix close to me and hold her. My grip on her increases as the stomping goes past the room, then goes down another corridor.

When Alix shines her light up, I see how close we are. She starts laughing.

"My knight saving me from a suit of shining armor. How ironic."

I begin to laugh too, only for Alix to kiss me. My hand drops down to the flashlight to turn it off.

I kiss Alix with so much passion. It could be because my adrenaline is pumping through me, but I like to think it's due to my feelings for Alix.

As I pull away, I lean on the door and suddenly pull us out of there. Alix said it was a walking suit of armor, so I believe her.

I know it's nowhere near us, so I take the flashlight from Alix and lead her through the halls.

"I think he turned this way..."

As we turn another corner, we finally see some kind of opening. We rush toward it, only to be blinded by some of the lights outside.

The others are taking deep breaths, but Juleka looks like she had the time of her life.

"Why do the two of you look like you went through a funhouse?"

We look at each other and I see what Alya means.

Alix and I were probably smiling all wide and everything when we found the exit.

"Oh don't worry. (Y/N) was terrified at some parts, and I liked being with her the entire time."

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