Alya x Reader

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I knock on the door for the umpteenth time. Is no one home?

I pull out my phone to check the time, as well as see if there are any messages I missed. Suddenly, the door swings open.


"Cousin Marinette!"

We immediately hug each other. I haven't seen her for at least a few years.

"Sorry for not answering the door right away. I have a friend over."

I nod as I enter, carrying a traveling bag.

"That's fine. Your father told me you would be showing me where I'm sleeping?"

Marinette smiles and nods. I follow her up to her room. I stop in my tracks as I see Marinette's friend for the first time.

She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen. I can feel a blush coming on, so I immediately look away. I walk over to where Marinette is standing.

I look down at her chaise and see a piece of paper with my name on it, as well as a smiley face.


I set my stuff down as Marinette's friend holds her hand out.

"Hey, I'm Alya."

I lightly grab her hand and shake it.

"(Y/N)... Nice to meet you."

I turn back to my bag and start checking to make sure I've got everything I need. Alya goes back to looking at something on her phone, while Marinette just looks between the two of us before settling her gaze on me.

"So, (Y/N), how are your parents doing? Still running the store?"

I smile and nod.

Like Marinette's parents, my parents also own a bakery, except they specialize in cakes instead of a variety of items.

"Yeah, and just like yours, they want me to take over the store one day. I don't think I'll ever be ready for that."

Alya snorts.

"I think you'll be perfect as long as you're not like Marinette. You don't disappear on us several times a week, as well as arrive late most of the time, do you?"

Alya finishes that last part with a laugh. My lord, her laugh is angelic.

I blush and shake my head. I enjoy receiving attention from Alya while also not enjoying receiving attention from Alya. It makes my heart throw out so many emotions at once.

"(Y/N), could you help me with something downstairs? We'll be right back, Alya."

I'm unsure of what Marinette needs my help with, but Alya just nods and turns back to her phone. I follow Marinette downstairs. We stop at the couch.

"You like her, don't you?"

Marinette wiggles her eyebrows as she asks it. I flare up and frantically wave my hands.

"What? I just met her. How could I possibly like someone I just met?"

Marinette just gives me a look, and I know what she would say.

When I visited last, we were being typical preteen girls daydreaming about romance. We talked so much about love at first sight.

I don't even have to hear Marinette say it to know that's what she's thinking about.

I sigh, already knowing where Marinette is going with this situation. Once she has that devilish smirk on her face, there's no going back.


I'm nervous, y'all. Marinette says this is just a casual date, but I've never even been on a date before. What am I supposed to do?

I straighten up as I hear someone approaching me. I turn and see a familiar head of wavy ombre hair. Alya is wearing casual clothing, just like Marinette said she would.

I am also wearing casual clothing, but I feel inferior compared to Alya. Not in the bad way, though. More like 'please step on me' type of inferior.

We smile at each other as Alya stops in front of me.

Marinette set this date up to start in front of the Ladybug and Cat Noir statue. Marinette told me to be myself, but am I sure I want to do that? I don't want to scare Alya off.

"You look nice, Alya."

Alya looks me up and down.

"Thanks. You're not too bad yourself."

I shove my hands in my pockets as I blush. I give a smile as thanks before we start walking.

Somewhere along the walk, there's a dessert stand set up. Huh. This wasn't here before. When we get closer, it's obvious Marinette is running the desert stand while wearing a disguise. For everyone's sake, I hope Alya realizes it too.

"Well, well, well! Would you look at these lovebirds! For today only, all pairs get a free couple's dessert box. A random assortment of desserts, but delicious nonetheless!"

I turn to Alya. She's not really falling for this, is she?

It's hard to tell. She looks amused, but also genuinely surprised at the sudden stand in the middle of the park. I glance back at Marinette and see her quickly placing all my favorite desserts in the box, as well as some I don't recognize.

She hands the box to me and winks.


I raise an eyebrow in amusement before leaving with Alya. We sit on a bench and open the box. Everything is heart shaped. Way to keep it subtle, Marinette.

Alya takes a pastry and tears it in half.

"This one is my favorite. Try it."

I do as she says and eat my half. Wow. This one treat is firing so many signals.

The pastry itself is soft and buttery, it would be fine by itself. Then the strawberry whipped filling. It's not too sweet, but still brings out certain flavors you wouldn't expect this croissant looking thing to have.

I feel my lips involuntarily smile at the taste. Maybe it's just because it's good. Maybe it's because Alya's first thought was to share something she liked with me.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as something soft touches the corner of my mouth. Alya is wiping something away.

"You had some strawberry filling on your lip."

I feel the blood rush to my head as I tune out everything else. Alya's hand lingers on my cheek for a few moments before she begins to pull away. My hand practically snaps to hers, holding it there.

My heart flutters as I maintain eye contact with her. Occasionally, my eyes flick to her lips, and I notice her eyes doing the same thing.

Alya pulls me toward her, knowing I probably wouldn't initiate the kiss. Her hand curls around the back of my neck, pressing into sensitive spots as she closes the distance.

My senses are on fire right now. I'm aware of every little touch and movement, storing them in my mind with the emotions they bring.

I lightly tug Alya's hair. She groans in the kiss, sending vibrations through me. Who would have thought another person's vibrations felt so nice?

Alya pulls away and I raise a hand to my now swollen lips. I've never been kissed like that before. It's...exciting. She smiles.

"Marinette was right. You definitely are a breath of fresh air."

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora