Félix x Reader

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I sigh as I tune out literally every other thing in the area.

It's been years and I still miss him.

I close my eyes as I put my pencil down. I wasn't getting any work done anyway.

I laugh along with a little boy next to me.

"Aw, you're so sweet Félix."

A young Félix gives me a bouquet of flowers. I smell them as he smiles.

"Anything for my darling (Y/N)."

He gives me a quick peck on the cheek. I hear our parents talking about how much of a cute couple we'd make, even as children.

Their words make me smile. Félix is someone I would want to be with for the rest of my life. He's such a gentleman.

I blink a few times as the memory becomes fuzzy.

"Hello? Anyone there?"

I blink a few more times as Alya waves a hand in front of my face.

I shake my head before giving her an apologetic smile.

"Come on girl. Adrien's dad finally allowed him to do something, but he has to bring his cousin along."

I quickly pack up and follow Alya out of the classroom. The others waited for us.

"Sorry, everyone. We have to go back to get my cousin."

None of us are upset about that in the slightest.

"Yo, we don't mind dude. We get to ride in a limo!"

We're all on the same page here. We don't mind making a few stops. I know my ass especially has never been in a limo before.

I end up sitting next to Marinette and Nino. We're all talking and laughing with each other.

"(Y/N), when we're older, I'm going to show you the world. I'll have us driven around in a limo, then we'll use a private jet when we can't use the roads."

I place my hand over his as our eyes meet.

"That sounds lovely, Félix."

This time, a minor headache accompanies the memory as it fades away.

I look out the window.

Félix and I were such good friends. I truly thought we were going to be married someday.

Unfortunately, my parents had to go back to Paris for their jobs. I've never seen Félix since. No calls or anything. It's like he just completely disappeared.

I smile as I see Marinette's worried expression.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

Marinette hesitates for a moment before nodding. We all turn to the open door as light shines in.

As soon as Adrien's cousin enters the limo, my heart stops.


I must have said his name quietly, because no one reacted to it.

Félix sits across from me with a cold expression. He looks like he would rather be in the literal depths of hell than around any of us.

"I guess I'm stuck here since Uncle Gabriel forced me to come with you."

His eyes skim the looks of everyone in the car. They stop when they reach me, but continue looking around the car a few seconds later.

I am sitting in a darker area, so maybe he couldn't tell it was me?

Still, he looks annoyed, so I won't ask him anything right now.

Throughout the drive, Félix makes any and all effort to avoid conversation with anyone. Sometimes he'll talk with Adrien, but other times he'll just give one word answers.

That's odd. This isn't the Félix I remember from my childhood.

Just like him, I don't talk with anyone else for the entire ride.

Once we're where we want to be, Adrien's bodyguard stays in the car, but keeps an eye on him.

Now, I can get a better look at Félix.

Yep, that's definitely him. He doesn't look like himself with that frown constantly on his face, though.

He turns to me, looking annoyed that someone was staring, but then his eyes widen when he sees it's me.


I slowly nod as Félix takes a few steps closer. The others stop walking and watch.

For the first time since we've met again, he smiles, then hugs me.

"It's you! It's really you..."

Félix cups my face and kisses me in front of everyone. They all looked shocked. Especially Adrien, he looks like he didn't expect this from Félix at all.

"As long as I'm here, I'll keep my promise of showing you the world."

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now