Marinette x Suicidal! Reader

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Trigger Warning: Domestic abuse and suicidal ideation


I shift around a bit in my bed. Did someone say something?

"(Y/N)! Get up you lazy fuck!"

Someone roughly grabs my hair and yanks me out of the bed. I land hard on my leg as someone spits at me.

"You're already late! GO!"

I scramble to brush my teeth, hair, and get dressed all at the same time. It doesn't help that my dad is on my ass the entire time.

As soon as I'm barely presentable to the public, my dad practically throws me out. My backpack follows. Everything almost flies out as it smacks on the ground.

I hear the door slam as I pick up my things. I flinch, both from the sound and my leg. I guess I really hurt something, huh?

Every day, I wish it could be over. It's the same thing every day.

My dad gets angry at any little thing I do, even if it's to help the household. My mom doesn't really step into stop it, nor does she take part in hitting me. She's just a background character.

Why even have children if you're not going to properly take care of them?

All eyes are on me as I enter the classroom. I should have just waited. This class is almost over.

Regardless, Ms. Bustier smiles at me.

"I'm glad you could make it, (Y/N)."

I give Ms. Bustier a small smile as I sit down. Alya isn't here, so I sit with Marinette. Ms. Bustier doesn't mind as long as work gets done.

Marinette slides me her notes like she usually does. I quickly copy them as Ms. Bustier continues her lesson.

"Psst. Is everything alright? You arrived later than usual."

I smile at Marinette with a nod. She rubs my arm. I inhale sharply and recompose myself quickly.

Marinette looks away with a worried expression. She doesn't say anything else for the rest of class.

As we leave, Marinette pulls me over to the side.

"Hey, want to spend the night at my house? I think we could use some girl time."

My eyes look at every other thing but Marinette. Just being around Marinette makes me feel safe. To spend the night at her house would probably put me in a gay panic.

I nod as Marinette places a hand on my shoulder. She smiles and turns to lead the way.

I'm glad she's not looking at me. I'm as red as Ladybug's suit.

Once we actually get up to Marinette's room, everything hits me.

"I don't have any of my actual belongings with me, just school supplies."

Marinette just smiles and pats my shoulder.

"That's fine! You can borrow my stuff. If nothing fits, I can make you something. Speaking of, can you remove your jacket? I want to get accurate measurements without poofy material in the way."

My heart drops. It's full of fear. I don't self harm, but I still have marks from where I was hit.

This life is not one worth living. I wouldn't even wish domestic abuse on the person I hate most.

"What's wrong?"

Oh, it's nothing Marinette. Just everything.

Again, Marinette places a hand on my arm. I tense under her touch. She looks down at my arm, then back up to me.


She knows there's something wrong now. I keep my gaze on my arm as Marinette slowly rolls up my sleeve.

Large, dark bruises color my arm from the bicep to my wrist. Upon seeing that, my head starts to sting where my hair was yanked earlier.

My hand stops halfway to my scalp. Marinette hesitantly finishes the job. Her cold, smooth hand soothes the painful sensation.

Marinette rolls my sleeve back down before carefully pulling me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

Did I just hear Marinette sniffle?

I hold her at arm's length. Yep. Tears.

Marinette places her forehead on mine, lips inches away from connecting. Her breath is shallow and smells of mint.

I initiate the kiss. I don't want Marinette to feel like she's pressuring me by initiating anything.

Marinette places a hand on my cheek as she pulls away.

"Who did that?"

Her voice is barely a whisper. However, she slightly increases her grip on my hand while looking me in the eye.

"Who did that? Tell me, I'll take care of it."

Marinette is serious. She'll do something about it.

"My father."

Marinette's expression goes neutral as she nods. Still, she holds me close to comfort me as best as she can.

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