Luka x Reader Part 3

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"(Y/N), just keep breathing, okay honey?"

I barely nod at my mom as the contractions get worse. She is holding one hand, while Luka is on the other side of the hospital bed holding my other hand.

The only thing distracting me from the physical pain of labor is the emotional pain caused by my dad.

He avoided all contact with me for a few days after Luka and I announced my pregnancy. During those few days, I stayed with Luka.

My mom tried to get me to come back, but I told her I wouldn't come back as long as my dad was angry with me.

When I finally did go back, all my stuff was packed and my dad shouted at me.

He said he didn't want a teenage mom for a daughter and said everything was Luka's fault.

I was crying, angry, just shocked he would say that. I'm glad I didn't tell him I was the one who initiated sex, he would probably have a heart attack if he heard that.

"I can see the head. Push, (Y/N)."

I follow the doctor's orders and push. I can feel the head crowning.

I scream as I feel the burning, tearing sensation down below as the baby is slowly pushed out. I was given some pain medication before I went into labor, but damn that still hurts.

Even with my constant breathing, I feel out of breath. It's like I can never get enough air in my lungs no matter how much I try.

I'm squeezing the absolute hell out of my mom's hand and Luka's hand. I'll apologize to them about it later. Right now, I'm going through so many physical sensations right now.

"They're almost out. Just a little more."

I push one last time. I give this one everything I have. I'm already hurting so much, it can't be bad to hurt a little more, right?

After a few moments I finally feel empty. The pain is still there, but it's gradually going away.

"It's a boy!"

Luka just rests his other hand on our already linked ones. I think I see a tear fall down his cheek, but maybe I'm just out of it.

We agreed that if it was a girl, I would get to suggest names. If it was a boy, Luka would get to suggest names. We won't choose a name unless both of us agree.

The doctor hands me the baby, and I feel the happiest I've finally felt in a long time.

Luka just looks so happy he doesn't know what to do with his hands, or what he should say. He's just ecstatic.


Arthur? Like King Arthur? I like that.

I motion Luka closer and carefully hand him the baby.

"Arthur. That's a good name."

My mom gently rubs the back of my hand. I smile at her.

"Sorry about almost ripping your hand off."

My mom laughs and just waves it off. Well, she gave birth to me, so she definitely understands.

I turn to Luka to apologize, only to see him in absolute bliss with Arthur. I don't want to say anything to ruin his moment with the baby, so I just lie back and rest.

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