Prince! Male! Marinette x Reader Part 3

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"Prepare the nursery!"

Several people are running around trying to talk over each other. Marin is at my side the entire time.

He does his best to distract me from the hectic scene around us.

"Princess (Y/N) is going into labor!"

"Go get her some water!"

"Is the midwife here yet?"

Ah yes, the soothing sounds of royalty.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by another contraction. It doesn't hurt enough to make me scream, but it does hold my attention.

"Just breathe, (Y/N)."

I lean against Marin as I slow down my breathing.

I can bear it. I know I can. I know this is all worth it to be bearing the future ruler of this kingdom.

"She's crowning!"

Suddenly, several people are crowding around the table. Uh, I'm not too sure about that many people looking directly at my genitals, even due to pregnancy.

Marin picks up on my unspoken feeling sand starts shooing people out of the room.

"Mother, Father, you can stay. Everybody else must leave to give us room."

The council members and other nobility begrudgingly leave.

Marin turns back to me with a stressed expression.

"My apologies, my love. I can't imagine how stressful this must be for you."

He says that so calmly, it almost distracts me from the pain. Almost.

Marin is at my side in an instant as I start making pained sounds again.

"Milord, the nursery is ready."

The King smiles and waves off the servant.

When he looks back, the midwife is holding my baby.

At the same time, a fuzzy feeling overcomes me.

I don't know if it's maternal instinct or just my brain releasing endorphins to help with the pain, but it makes things so much better for me.

It's like everything just became so clear for me.

When I look around for my baby, it's not here. I try to sit up, only to be kept down by Marin.

"It is okay. The midwife promptly took our child to the nursery. I tried convincing the midwife to let you spend some time with her, but I didn't want to order it."

Wait, her?

I happily grab Marin's hands.

"Our baby is a girl?"

Marin nods and holds me close.

"For generations, only the men in my family have ruled. My father wanted that tradition to continue, but I will not restrict my daughter of certain rights just because of who she is. After me, the next ruler will be a queen, whether the other nobility likes it or not."

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