Alya x Lonely! Reader

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Ah, the library.

It's quiet. I like it this way. No one really comes in here anyway. Everyone else spends time talking with their friends on the ground floor, or just hanging around the school.

I don't really have any true friends here. Sure, I've talked with a few students occasionally, but I prefer to be alone. There's too much unnecessary drama with everyone and being alone is the only way to avoid it.

At least, that's how I want to see it. Lately, the issue everyone has been talking about is Adrien's problem with his father.

That's the unfortunate truth. People care much more about the lives of celebrities than that of someone who isn't famous.

Don't get me wrong, I understand, especially since Adrien is walking among us every day. We actually get details from the person themselves instead of whatever vague or accusing headlines the media decides to spin it as.

Still, most people here are putting more energy into helping Adrien with his daddy issues than solving their own problems.

I sigh. Thinking about this just brings up bad memories.

"You waste of a human life!"

I flinch at the words. My parents are angry... again. I never truly understood why. Over a grade? A letter on a piece of paper?

There has to be more to it... They're just using my grades as an excuse to get angry.

"Look at you... Stupid, ugly, useless... WORTHLESS. Who would want to be with you? Where did I fail as a mother?"

My father places a hand on her shoulder while maintaining an angry expression. He suddenly turns on me and raises his fist.

Instinctively, I put my arms up to protect my head, waiting for that stinging blow. It never comes. I peek through my arms, before hesitantly lowering them, placing them firmly at my sides.

My father is still standing in front of me, his arms are also lowered, but he's looking at me with a cold expression.

"We might as well start putting you out on the corner. You have to do SOMETHING for us. Having bruises on your body does not bode well with prostitutes."

He scoffs as he turns away, walking with my mother to their room.

"I wish you had died in the accident instead of your brother."

I'm suddenly aware of my surroundings as I jolt up. I look around frantically. The library?

Oh right, the library.

I look down at my notebook and see water streaks, as well as something dropping on the paper.

I quickly wipe away my tears with my sleeve. I close my notebook and leave the library, making my way to the bathroom while avoiding everyone else.

I look at my reflection in the mirror. Puffy eyes full of tears, faint water streaks running down both of my cheeks.

My knuckles become white as I tighten my grip on the sides of the sink.


I place my hands in front of the faucet. Water immediately pours out, starting out cold before eventually warming up.

I lean down and splash water on my face. Now, if anyone asks, it wouldn't be a lie to say I just splashed water on my face.

I look back up, watching the water drip from my chin. I start to dry my face with my shirt.


I roughly dry an area next to my eye. Looking back at my reflection, that area is now red. I glare at myself.

As hurtful as it is, I think my mom is right. Who would want to be with me?

I jump up as a hand touches my shoulder. I turn to the owner.


I didn't hear the door open, nor did I see her reflection beside mine in the mirror. Was I really spacing out that much?

"Are you okay?"

I tense up at the question. I look Alya in the eye, but I don't answer. That tells her all she needs to know. Being the person behind the Ladyblog, she's clearly got some detective skills.

Of all the people I've interacted with here, Alya seems to be the most attentive of all. I don't mind her drama as much, as it's always about Ladybug and Cat Noir. You know, the only people in Paris who can successfully stand up to literal superpowered villains.

Alya doesn't say anything or make any sudden movements. Instead she slowly pulls me into a hug. Air chokes out of my lungs as I hug Alya back and more tears fall.

I bury my face in Alya's shoulder as she rubs circles on my back soothingly. We stand like that for what feels like an eternity.

I lean back and see Alya's worried expression. It's not fake worry, either. That's a genuine expression. I should know, I'm practically an expert on masking myself around others.

For as long as I've known you, you've been nothing but kind. You don't stand back and watch as your friends get verbally assaulted by Chloé. You're there for them when they need you.

You don't play around with relationships, platonic or romantic. As soon as you noticed your feelings for Nino dwindling, you didn't want to risk ruining the entire relationship on the basis of 'it could get better'.

Even broken up, you two are still great friends who hold no ill feelings toward each other. In my eyes, you are truly the light of my life, a beacon guiding me through the thick, dark fog.

Maybe it's just my current state of mind. Maybe it's how I truly feel, but I know I want this.

I capture Alya's lips with my own. I'm not sure if I'm doing anything right or wrong physically, but it feels right inside.

Alya hesitantly slides a hand up my neck and tangles it in my hair. It's almost like she's not sure if I want it. With the passion in her kiss, she wants it, but she doesn't want to push me if I don't.

I smile against her lips before pulling away. For that moment, all negative emotions are gone. There is no trace of them even existing within me.

I rest my head on her shoulder while closing my eyes, wrapping my arms around her in the process. I inhale as she returns the embrace, allowing her perfume to cover me like a shield.

I'm safe.

Both Alya and I know that as long as she is around, she won't let anything hurt me.

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora