Kagami x Tall! Norwegian! Reader

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"Class, today we have a new student. I would like each and every one of you to treat her just as you would treat your regular classmates."

I step into the classroom. Everyone else is sitting, but they still have to angle their heads up quite a bit to look at me.

The teacher, who introduced herself as Ms. Bustier outside the room, smiles and gestures for me to introduce myself.

I clear my throat.

"Hello to all. My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I come from Norway, for all of you wondering about my accent."

I glance around the room and notice an Asian girl sitting in the very back.

"That was very nice, (Y/N). Please take a seat next to Kagami in the back."

I nod as thanks and take my seat. My eyes dart to the side. Her notes are astounding. Completely filled out to the very last detail.

Even sitting down, I feel like a giant compared to Kagami. I suppose that's not too far from the truth, but still.

I guess I came to class at a great time because no one is doing work. Ms. Bustier is just reading something at her desk. Meanwhile, nearby students turn to me.

"Norway, huh? That's the red flag with the white cross, right?"

I smile.

"Very close. That's Denmark's flag. Norway's flag is red with a blue cross with a white outline."

They nod, although I can tell they're not absorbing that information whatsoever. They just wanted to talk, and I don't blame them. New students are always surrounded by the social vultures no matter where you are.

A few minutes later, and people are still crowded around me.

I've been asked to say some things in Norwegian, as well as some French with my accent.

Some people also asked me to stand next to someone named Ivan. He's tall, but I have at least a few inches on him.

When I stand next to some of the girls, they're so tiny compared to me. Especially Alix. She's the complete opposite of me.

However, I'm more interested to learn more about Kagami. To me, she seems like the quiet type, as in, she hasn't said a fucking word to me since I arrived.

Everyone else has at least said one thing to me. Kagami? Quiet as a mouse.

I smile and turn to her.

"Kagami, can I talk to you after class?"

Kagami looks surprised, but nods. At this, the rest of the class backs off for whatever time is left.

When class ends, people try to talk to me again. Did you all not just hear me say I want to talk to Kagami alone?

This time, I actively shoo people off as I pull Kagami to the side.

"You seem a bit distant from me, am I doing something wrong?"

Kagami sighs before looking me in the eye.

"No. You did nothing wrong. My heart was broken recently. To be completely honest, I'm attracted to you. I know it's sudden since we just met, but you're fascinating."

I blush and look around. No one else is hearing this, right?

"Of everything about you, I like your accent the most. I find it cute when you mispronounce certain words."

I haven't heard that one before. Still, she said her heart was just broken, and I don't want to feel like a rebound.

Not really knowing what to do, I hug her. I'm practically covering her like a blanket.

"Of everything about you, I like how short you are compared to me."

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