Alix x Stalker! Reader Part 2

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I peek around the corner... again.

This time, Alix isn't practicing her rollerblading skills. She's just walking home from Marinette's house. They had a study session since there's a big test coming up.

I don't need to worry about trivial things like that. All I need to worry about is Alix. She needs to get home safe, no matter what. Sure, since I've been, ahem, 'following' Alix, nothing bad has ever happened.

I've never had to drag someone into the shadows where they will never be heard from again, nor did I even have to actually jump out and protect her.

Paris just seems to be a safe city at this time. Well, aside from the akumatized people every now and then.

Ever since that first night I stepped out, Alix has been way more cautious when walking home, even if there's still daylight.

The thought makes me smile. Because of me, Alix is taking precautionary measures every time she does something. It's because of me she'll be extra safe now.

Alix has even seemed to notice when I follow her into closed spaces as well.

At a café with her friends? I'm sitting in the corner hiding behind a newspaper. The library when she needs to study? I'm weaving around bookshelves making sure I'm not seen.

Alix even seems to feel like something is off at her house.

Have I absolutely crept on her while she was sleeping? Yes. Someone has to make sure no one breaks in and kills her while she sleeps, right?

I haven't peeped on her while she was changing or anything. I have morals too, alright?

Whenever I've been to her house, she still seems wary even when I'm right in front of her. I always catch her glancing at the windows from time to time.

When I'm around, she isn't as worried as she usually is, but she still checks the area so much. I'm proud of her.

Alix rounds a corner and I quickly follow her. I don't want to lose sight of her. I couldn't live with myself if I let that happen.

Unfortunately, as soon as I start to turn, someone tackles me.


I smile as she scrambles off of me, immediately looking over me with worry.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)? I'm so sorry! I thought you were someone else."

I brush off some dirt.

"I'm fine, thank you for worrying, but are you okay? You've been very jumpy lately."

Alix rubs her arms. I open mine, inviting her in for a hug. She accepts and buries her face into my shoulder. I start rubbing circles on her back, but she suddenly tenses up.


Alix pulls away from me, looking at me with wide eyes. She takes a step back.

"It's you. You're the one that has been stalking me."

Instead of responding, I pay attention to Alix's body language.

She's shaking and slightly cowering. She doesn't have her walls up like she normally would. She's afraid and angry. Her hands ball into fists.

"Why? Why?!"

Alix takes a step toward me.

"I have been freaking out the last few weeks because I genuinely thought my life was in danger. Now I realize it's you?!"

I take a step toward her.

"I just wanted to make sure you were safe. That's all."

It's not a lie. In fact, it's the entire truth. I just tend to... take it too far sometimes. Alix looks down.

"We're dating. You shouldn't have to hide that from me. I just don't understand."

Soon, I hear water droplets hitting the pavement. As I get closer, Alix is starting to cry, but she's holding back as much as she can.

Oh no no no no no.

I hug Alix on instinct. I never wanted to hurt her. I never thought I would make her cry. I just wanted her safe.

Alix doesn't pull away and slowly returns the embrace.

"Please... please stop doing this. There's no reason to hide."


You want me to stop. I will. I will do anything to make sure you never cry because of me ever again. You are too precious to hurt like that.

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