Marinette x Child! Reader

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of child abuse

I'm cold.

I'm exhausted.

I'm dirty.

I've been running for who knows how long. Everything hurts, but it is worth it in my eyes. Any amount of hardship I will endure if it means I can get away from my parents.

My legs finally collapse under me as I reach the other side of the street. At least I'm not in the middle of the road.

I crawl until I'm sitting under an awning of a nearby building. I don't even need any shelter, I just want something to block the rain out if it comes.

I rest against my backpack as the sunsets. I'll just close my eyes for a few minutes, then I'll keep going.



That's the first thing I feel when I wake up, followed by something soft. A fluffy blanket?

I slowly open my eyes and am met with a well decorated room. This looks nothing like my room. Suddenly, my eyes widen and I immediately sit up. The blanket falls from my shoulders, revealing my jacket has been removed. The bruises on my arms are now visible for anyone to see.

The events of yesterday come back to me.

I ran away. I seriously made the decision to run away from everything I had just to get away from a toxic household.

I turn my head when I hear someone walking. A girl a few years older than me ascends a staircase. I cover myself with the blanket as she sits across from me.

She smiles at me. I know she's trying to make me comfortable. To be honest, it's working. Anything is better than where I came from.

"I know this may be weird or uncomfortable for you, so let's start simple. My name is Marinette, what's yours?"

Okay, she's trying to ease me into the situation.


"Well, (Y/N), it looks like you're going to be staying here for a while."

My eyes light up at this.

Truly? Don't tell me you're messing with me, Marinette. I risked so much to leave my former home.

Marinette looks nervous, like she doesn't know how to bring up the next topic. Her eyes flick down to where my arms are covered by the blanket.

I sigh and lower it.

"That's another thing. Upon seeing your... injuries, my parents decided to let you stay here. A child should never be subjected to that type of treatment."

Marinette narrows her eyes as she grabs my hand. She turns my arm and her eyes widen as she sees a cut.

Oh yeah. My mom came at me with a knife, but immediately backed off once she actually got me. I remember crying over that one.

Marinette just shakes her head while she bandages my arm, clearly pissed off at my parents.


It's been a few days since Marinette's family unofficially adopted me. I must say, it's fantastic here.

Marinette's parents have given me everything I need. Food, clothes, even stuff that's not even necessary, but I'm not complaining.

Marinette had taken me on walks around the park over these past few days so I could get some fresh air. I'm really enjoying the time I'm spending with her. She's like an older sister to me, the sister I never had.

Currently, I'm just sitting in the living room watching the news. It took a while, but my parents finally put out a missing person report of a minor.

It disgusts me that they act all sweet for the camera crew. If only they acted genuine in front of the cameras.

Knock knock.

I turn my head toward the door.

Marinette is with some friends and her parents are working downstairs. Marinette should be back soon, but I should still answer to see who it is.

I immediately regret opening the door. My parents are standing right there.

My dad's foot keeps the door from closing. They force their way in, completely uninvited. I back up as far as I can.

"You're coming home with us."

My dad tries to grab me. I don't know how he hasn't yet, the dude is at least two feet taller than me.

A red blur forces him back to the doorway. I look up at the new arrival in front of me.



My parents just look pissed. Are they really not going to step up to this literal teenage girl? With bluebell eyes, black hair and... Marinette?

"Come on, Ladybug! You can't seriously keep our own child from us!"

Ladybug takes a defensive stance.

"I can when you've been abusing them. Don't even try to argue with me about that. She has marks on her that date from at least a week ago."

My parents stiffen at that. When Ladybug knows you've been doing some awful stuff, are you really going to try and argue your side?

My dad scowls.

"Fine. I just wish the best of luck to the family that has to deal with it now."

He turns and stomps out with my mom quickly following. Ladybug turns to me and places a hand on my shoulder.

It hurts to know... to hear it come from your parent's mouth that they basically gave up on you.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier to keep them from getting in. Are you hurt?"

I just smile up at her.

"'re Ladybug!"

Ladybug quickly looks around even though we're completely alone. She crouches down to my height.

"(Y/N), you can't tell anyone. It doesn't matter what anyone else tells you or what they try to give to you, you can't tell anyone that I'm Ladybug."

She takes me up to her room and detransforms. From her earrings fly a small, red... insect? They give a worried look to Marinette, who just sighs.

"You would have found out eventually since you're staying here indefinitely. Promise me you'll never tell anyone."

I take Marinette by surprise as I hug her. She returns the embrace, ruffling my hair a bit.

"I promise, Marinette."

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