Alix x Famous! Reader

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"Miss (Y/N)! Welcome to Le Grand Paris. I am Mayor Bourgeois and I will do everything I can to make sure you enjoy your time in Paris."

Mayor Bourgeois eagerly shakes my hand. Well, I am a world renowned actress after all.

I tend to be popular with the younger crowds, although there has been the occasional middle aged creep who somehow comes to all of my meet and greets even if they're overseas.

"I'll have a servant show you to your room. If you need anything, don't hesitate to use the phone provided in your room."

I nod as Mayor Bourgeois motions for a butler to take me to my room with my luggage. The butler is quiet and doesn't say a word the entire way.

He opens my door and carries my bags into the room. I thank him and he bows before leaving. I immediately take out a whole stack of pictures and a marker.

I've done so many of these events that I've learned to come prepared. I'm sure the hotel will have stuff forme to use as well, but I would rather use my own materials.

I don't like it when celebrities are rude to non-celebrities. They treat everyone else like servants for the stupidest things.

I've been around people who asked some random person to grab something that's literally five feet away from them. Like, you can't get up from your seat you piece of shit?

That's why I try to be as nice as possible to everyone I meet. Servant or not, you shouldn't treat people like dirt. Treat people with kindness, y'all.

The phone rings.


"Hello (Y/N), it's Mayor Bourgeois. Everything is set up and ready for you."

"I'll be down in a few minutes."

"Perfect. I'll see you down here."

He hangs up after that. Someone knocks on the door. Opening it reveals another butler.

"Madam (Y/N), I have been sent to escort you to the event area. Follow me."

I smile and nod before he starts walking. All of these halls look the same. How does anyone find their way around here?

I thank the butler as he leaves me in a large room with a table in the center. There's a large portrait of me next to the table.

I set my stack of pictures on the table before sitting down. Mayor Bourgeois approaches me with a smile.

"Okay (Y/N), we're going to open the doors. There are security guards just in case something goes wrong."

Mayor Bourgeois gestures to a redhead cop, who just nods at me.

"Is there anything you need right now?"

I shake my head.

"I think I'm fine for now. Thank you."

Mayor Bourgeois nods before leaving the room. I take a few deep breaths.

I'm going to be here for a while.


Two hours in and this line still has no end. I look at the schedule. This is supposed to go on for two more hours.

At least I was given water bottles almost as soon as I asked for them. My throat was DRY.

"Hey (Y/N)~ Tell me if you need someone thrown out, okay?"

Chloé Bourgeois, the mayor's daughter, has been around me constantly since the event started. She always said that too.

She's pulled up a chair and sat with me a few times, and she even had me sign a personal item of hers with a special message.

"No one needs to be thrown out yet, but thank you for offering."

Chloé just smiles before leaving to pester the people in line. I turn to the new person in front of me.

She's the same height that I am while sitting. She has pink hair and a hat. She gives off a skater vibe to me.

"Hello little one. How are you?"

She recoils a bit at the words 'little one'. Wait, is she not a little kid?

The girl smiles, although I can tell it's a little forced. I can still tell she's also happy to be in front of me. She rubs the back of her neck.

"I'm doing great now that I'm here. How are you?"

I look up from my picture. Huh, no one ever asks me how I'm doing. They usually just want me to sign, maybe get a picture, then move on.

"I'm doing fantastic. Thank you for asking. Who can I make this out to?"

I'm contemplating writing something extra for her. She's different from other people, I can tell.

"Make it out to Alix, the Little One."

I look up, ready to apologize if I offended her with the comment, but she's laughing about it. I gladly write down what she wants.

Before I give it to Alix, I write down my room number on the back. She raises an eyebrow at the number.

"I apologize if there's nothing to do here, but I would like for you to stick around a bit. Come to my room after the event is over."

Alix blushes a bit before nodding. She leaves the room and the next person in line walks up.


Whew. I'm finally done and back in my room. I almost got through that entire stack of pictures. The marker dried out as well and the hotel just gave me a cup of them.

I finish taking off my jacket when someone knocks on the door. I open it, revealing Alix. I pull her in and quickly close the door behind her.

I pull Alix close. Either of us could lean in right now and end up kissing the other.

"Do you mind?"

I smirk and Alix blushes before shaking her head.

Alix parts her lips a bit as I kiss her. I took her as the type of person to be dominant, but I guess she has a lady boner for me in particular, because she's letting me do whatever I want.

My hand creeps up her back before stopping on her neck. I lightly squeeze the muscles, earning a soft hum of appreciation from Alix.

I lick my lips as I pull away. That didn't do anything to help Alix's blush.

"...just like in the movies."

I playfully slap her shoulder as I laugh. I also didn't peg Alix for someone who likes romance movies.

"Unfortunately, I will only be in Paris for a week. Give me your information. I would love for us to travel the world together."

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