Alya x Shy! Reader

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I keep my head down as I walk to my next class, trying not to attract any unwanted attention. Upon reaching the classroom, I bump into someone standing in the doorway.

"Watch where you're going, nerd. You're going to get my outfit dirty."

"I'm s-sorry!"

I scurry to my seat next to Alya Césaire. She tells me to sit with her when Marinette isn't in class because she might not come at all. I don't mind, though, as I like listening to Alya talk about the Ladyblog.

Actually, I like listening to Alya talk about anything. You see... I have a bit of a crush on her.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)? You're staring at me without responding."

I blink a few times before smiling.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine. Just thinking about some stuff."

Okay... maybe it's actually a full blown crush.

I retrieve my notebook from my backpack as we wait for the teacher.

"Hey, do you want to come over to my place after school? I know you still need help with your math homework."

I feel my face get hot as I blush. Being alone with Alya at her place? I've wanted that for so long, but I've never gotten the courage to ask. I'm glad she did.

"Y-Yeah! That would be g-great!" The entire class looks in our direction. I may have been a bit too excited to say that.

"Great. Don't worry, I'll make sure my little sisters don't get in the way."

Little sisters? I was hoping to get some alone time. We can't do anything at my house, as at least one parent is home at all times and my younger brother always does something stupid to annoy me.


After class, Alya and I walk to her place. I let her lead because I've never been to her place before. We reach an apartment building. As we are about to enter, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Alya walks out of the front doors.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Alya hugs her mother.

"I came by to spend some time with you and your sisters, but I just got called into work again. Mayor Bourgeois wants all of the hotel's staff working on everything for Prince Ali's arrival." She looks at me. "Is this a new friend of yours?"

I shuffle a bit.

"H-Hi, I'm (Y/N)."

Alya's mom smiles.

"Nice to meet you (Y/N). Any friend of Alya's is welcome here anytime." Alya and her mother hug again before she leaves.

I follow Alya up the stairs until she unlocks a door. As soon as I walk in, I stop in my tracks as two identical girls run in front of me. I'm here for a few seconds and the first thing that happens is Alya's sisters literally getting in my way.

"Ella, Etta, please settle down. (Y/N) and I are going to be doing homework, so we can't have that much noise in the room."

"But AlyaAAaaAaa! We want to play!"

I slip my shoes off and follow Alya to the couch. Alya's argument with her sisters is basically the same thing back and forth until Alya pulls the 'I'm older' rule, resulting in Ella and Etta going to their room defeated.

Alya takes out her notebook and I do the same.

"Do you want anything to drink? Or any kind of snack?" Alya goes to the kitchen.

"Just water. Thank you."

I turn back to my notebook and furrow my brow as I look at the practice problems. I look at last week's test sitting in my backpack with a big 'F' in red ink at the top. I sigh as I retrieve the piece of paper from my backpack and look at all of my incorrect answers.

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora