Ladybug x Smart! Shy! Reader

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Ah math, I love this class.

I understand why people dislike it. There are many reasons. Some say it's too boring, others say it's too hard.

For me, it's perfect. Nothing gets me going like a good challenge of the mind. Well, that, and Ladybug.

Beloved protector of Paris alongside Cat Noir. She must be smart! She's used so many lucky charms I couldn't even begin to think of when dealing with a villain.

I sigh as I finish my work. Even then, that must only be when she's Ladybug. I haven't found anyone who has that level of intelligence at the school. There's Max, but he's a guy, and Ladybug is obviously a girl.

I take a look around the room at all the girls. I hope they don't think I'm creeping on them or something.

Definitely not Chloé. If she was Ladybug, everyone would know. Or Sabrina. I believe she can keep a secret, but not from Chloé. I go around the room with all the girls like this, until my eyes land on Marinette.

Well, she does fit the entire description. Same hair, same eyes, same height, voice, etc. Anytime I think about it though, there's something tugging at the back of my mind telling me it's not her. I don't know what it is, and I can't figure it out no matter how hard I try.

Jealousy? Maybe I wanted to be Ladybug?

I sigh once more as I continue staring at Marinette, daydreaming. That is, until I finally notice her looking at me.

I rest my head on my hand and look back at my notebook. Please stop staring, please stop staring, please...?

Soon, I no longer feel like I'm being watched. I glance back up to make sure. Yep, Marinette is just chatting with Alya about something. I close my notebook and put my head down.


Birds chirping, the sun is shining, leaves rustling in the wind. The park is a beautiful place. People also rarely talk to me here. Sometimes someone will ask for directions, but most of the time I'm left alone.

I take a deep breath as I turn back to my book. Organic Chemistry, 9th edition. It's not a book required by the school, just something to read.

I turn the page, when I hear an explosion in the distance, as well as see some debris fly up in the air. These villains really like exploding things, huh?

I sigh and close my book, stretching as I stand before starting to walk home. Suddenly, something wraps around me multiple times before I go flying in the air. As I look down, part of a building crushes the spot I was just standing at.

I can move my limbs freely again so I look up.


My face flares. I've never been this close to her before. Sure, I've seen her defeat villains from the side lines, but never in touching distance.

I don't bother saying anything else, I know whatever I say will come out stuttering. Ladybug looks around.

"Where is that cat? He's never on time, I swear."

She rubs her temples before turning back to me.

"Well, I guess you're stuck with me then. This villain does not attack couples. Kind of like Glaciator, except this person is completely committed to killing all single people."

Damn, his love life must be awful if he got akumatized like this. Kim was only akumatized because he was made fun of and rejected by Chloé, but this dude goes full on psycho because they're single?

Ladybug holds my hand and starts walking down the street. I'm blushing so hard right now. Harder than I thought was possible for someone.

Eventually, we come across a giant black widow. Wait, it's a woman? They look just like Anansi, but a black widow version.

"Ladybug, you're here! I am Love Bite, and I-"

Love Bite stops midsentence and looks at us holding hands. She smiles, then I see the purple moth outline in front of her face.

I shuffle behind Ladybug. Things are about to get ugly. As I look at Love Bite, I see a broken heart brooch on their chest. There's no way the akuma isn't in that.

"But they're holding hands?"

Hawkmoth must be tearing into her now. Saying something like, 'that's a distraction! They're not really together! Get me her miraculous hahahaha'.

I notice a black blur in the corner of my eye. He's here. What does that mean for me and Ladybug?

"You two thought you could fool me? I'll kill the civilian first, then I'll take your miraculous before killing you!"

Love Bite rushes us, and wow, I never thought a giant spider humanoid rushing you down would look as terrifying as it does. Before they reach us, a silver pole jabs the side of their head. Ouch.

Love Bite shakes it off as Cat Noir joins us.

"About time, kitty."

"Did I miss anything, milady?"

Cat Noir bows, and I see Love Bite becoming conflicted. She rises to her full height.

"Clearly, you two have some chemistry, but you! There is nothing between you and either of them."

Love Bite jabs a leg at me. I dodge, but nearly fall over doing so.

"Lucky charm!"

A wedding ring? Is she going to propose to Cat Noir? I snort at the thought. Both of them look over. I laugh nervously, waving my hand to show nothing is wrong.

Ladybug looks around, trying to figure out how to use the ring. I'm excited for this, I'm ready to see how Ladybug's thought process works.

Ladybug drops to one knee in front of me.


I look around, trying to find somewhere to hide. When I can't find one, I just shrink down subconsciously.

"...are you sure you have the right person?"

I frantically gesture to Cat Noir, who is just as confused about the situation as I am. Might I also say, jealous?

Ladybug smiles and nods. She grabs my hand.

"(Y/N), will you-"


Cat Noir has taken this opportunity to destroy the brooch on Love Bite's chest. The akuma flies out, but Ladybug is hesitant for a few seconds before capturing it.

"Miraculous Ladybug!"

As my heart breaks, the ring is thrown into the air. Ladybugs fly around and fix everything, as well as return people who weren't previously there before.

Ladybug and Cat Noir fist bump. The latter leaves, making it just the two of us. Ladybug takes me home without another word. Once we finally reach the doorstep, I sigh and turn to face her.

Her lips are on mine in an instant. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do?

"Sorry for Cat Noir ruining the moment. I'll just have to break it to him that I'm taken."

She sends a smirk my way. I melt.


Ladybug nods.

"Taken by the most shy, yet smartest girl in all of Paris."

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