Alix x Bully! Reader

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Kim stands in front of me, crossing his arms. I cross my arms in return.

"Kim, you're as much of a bully as I am, so why the fuck are you defending him?"

I don't make a gesture, but everyone around knows I'm referencing to Max. I'm surprised no one has stepped in yet. Not even Marinette? She's usually the first one to step in. Maybe she's not here, but that doesn't matter right now, my beef is with Kim.

"Maybe if you and Max swapped lives for a week, you'd just barely become smart enough to realize how much of a hypocrite you're being. That, and Max might get a girl if he beefed up a bit."

Max recoils at this. I laugh.

"Woah! Watch out everyone, Max might get akumatized into Gamer 3.0 if he has to put his electronics down for five seconds."

Everyone just seems to get riled up at this. Still, no one is making a move, so I just shove my hands in my pockets and leave. A few people give me dirty looks as I leave.

I just smirk as I cross through the doorway. Y'all will have to try harder than that if you want to make me feel bad.


The next day is like any other. I'm currently minding my own business, waiting until someone does something stupid for me to ridicule them.

Max never came after me, nor was there a villain yesterday so I'm assuming everybody was able to calm down.

I finish my half-assed work. C's get degrees unless you're going to med school. Clearly I'm not, so average scores work for me.

I stretch and look around. Damn. Everyone is being careful not to do anything that could annoy me. They're all acting like robots programmed to do the exact same thing.

Well, all except Alix. She's looking straight at me, glaring at me, or maybe even trying to look into my head. You don't want to see inside my mind. Nobody should.

I just rest my chin on my hand while giving Alix a blank expression from across the classroom. After a few moments, she shakes her head before turning back to her work.

I always had a soft spot in my mind for Alix. She's very blunt with her observations, except she doesn't say stuff just to hurt others like I do.

I don't know why she doesn't do that. She could get so many more people to do what she wants if she did. Who cares if they only listen to you out of fear? That's how I learned about attention and obligations.

Eventually, class ends. I quickly leave, not wanting to be in that atmosphere anymore.

"Why is everyone acting like a robot? Huh, maybe Max did get akumatized after all."

"Maybe if you stopped treating people horribly, we would all act like ourselves for once."

I stiffen and whirl around, then look down at the person who spoke to me.


You're in choke slamming distance right now. Be careful, shorty.

I cross my arms, scowling down at Alix.

"Really? I'm just being honest with what's on my mind."

Alix is fuming at this. She grabs my wrist and drags me away. Everyone watches as Alix drags me to the locker room. No one else is in here.

"Honest? You're spouting rude comments to people at best and absolutely degrading people at worst. It's not constructive criticism. It's not even blunt criticism. Everything you say is just rude for no reason!"

Alix is short, but she's feisty. I cross my arms once more, looking around.

"I'm telling them things they need to know in order to grow. Nobody will listen to you if you don't have force in your voice. If you don't spit your words with venom, you will be ignored."

Alix crosses her arms now. Her eyebrows furrow as if she's really considering her next words.

"You're defintely not ignored. We talk about you-"

I spin on Alix quickly, ready to explode.

"Talk about me?! At least when I say the shit I do, I say it to their face! I don't talk about anyone specific behind their back when they aren't there to defend themselves!"

I close in on Alix, forcing her to backup as much as she can until she hits the wall.

"Who has been talking? I'll beat every single one of them!"

I don't care who said what. I don't discriminate. I'll go after anyone who even looks like they're going to some secret meeting to discuss what I do behind my back.


I freeze. That was a man's voice. I turn my head and see Mr. Damocles. He looks angry, but he doesn't move an inch.

"Come with me. We need to talk."

"Wait, Mr. Damocles. Please, let me handle this."

Alix speaks immediately after Mr.Damocles stopped talking, not wanting to interrupt him. She tries to speak clearly, but her voice shakes a bit at the end.

Mr. Damocles looks between me and Alix, before nodding his head.

"If this is not settled, I will step in."

Mr. Damocles leaves and I turn back to Alix. All arguments in my mind are lost. I think I'm... confused?

"...Why did you stop him from taking me out of here? Most people would have just let him do what he thinks is best."

Alix hesitates, but she places a hand on my shoulder. I back off, finally giving her enough room to breathe.

"Anything he could do would not help. Take you out of school for a bit? You come back and do the same stuff. Just give you a stern lecture? You don't really learn anything from it and continue to do the same stuff. Leave it alone? You learn no authority figures will step in when it's needed and will continue to do the same stuff."

No one has ever really analyzed me like that before. Everyone else just turns away. Now I really back off, putting more distance between us.

"This doesn't feel right."

I turn away, getting ready to leave. I hear Alix approach me from behind.

Arms wrap around me from behind as Alix rests her head on the base of my neck. She's holding me in place.

"Everyone deserves to be get the help they need. Sometimes, people act out because they never received proper attention growing up."

My heart rate skyrockets. Damn, she can probably hear it, too. After a few moments, I gently grab Alix's hands and remove them.

Alix just grabs my hands and walks to the door.

"Come on. This is the first step. You need to know how your actions and words are truly affecting people."

I sigh, looking away while scowling. Still, I let Alix lead me out to everyone else. It can't be that bad, right? Plus, it's an excuse to spend more time with her.

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