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Assallam walekum and Hello to my dear viewers by your one and only author, who are currently in the mood to give my story a chance.

So (not in the mood to write a long boring essay), this is me, your cute amateur author trying something new. In the need to elaborate on my views and creativity, I'm putting my utmost dedication to present amidst you all my very first story. A tale of mystery and thriller, a saga with lots of suspense that is going to make you bite your nails with a tinge of romance of multiple couples.

As it says, don't judge a book by its cover ( P.s. Cause I know my cover is not so special 😳😁) Give it a chance. I won't say I'm sure, but I can sincerely assure you that it's going to be fun.

Enjoy!!!!!😉 Comments are appreciated, but negative comments are not, so please refrain from doing it. Do criticise it but politely.

Thanks and regards by your amateur author.🥰🥰


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