CHAPTER 5️⃣0️⃣

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            *AUTHORS POV*

Reaching the penthouse, Armaan left after dropping Roshni till the door. He left before instructing her to be careful and not to do anything strenuous activity that could be painful. She dashed towards Asma's room. On entering inside, she found her asleep. Without disturbing her, she just went through her closet and searched for a dress for her to wear at the evening date which has been sweetly and romantically arranged by Maara's dear Shaan and she's helping him by getting Asma ready for the date. 

As she was rummaging through her closet, she saw a box kept inside. After checking it, she saw a dress perfectly going with the occasion. She remembered, the dress was the  the one that they had brought together but she didn't have a chance to wear it. Taking out the dress along with perfect accessories, she set it out it the closet and the accessories being lined up on the dressing table. She went to her room as she had some flats which would perfectly go with the dress. She took it and again made her way towards Asma's room. Entering inside, she saw a very confused Asma wide awake and was rubbing her eyes upon staring at the accessories adorning her dressing table.

"Ro, what is all this, and why do you have flats in your hand?" Asked Asma, looking af her entering with the flats. "This is for you, and that's all for you too. My dear Maara, you are in for a big surprise, which is diligently planned by your dear Shaan. So, chop chop and no asking questions, just be quiet and let me help you get ready for a perfect surprise." Said Roshni, making her surprised. "What! Shaan hasn't told me anything, and why would he tell you and not me? Am I not the one who needs to know about that and not you?" Said Asma narrowed her eyes.

"You should ask that to Ishaan and not me. I'm just going with the instructions provided to me, and now we'll start getting ready. Yeah!!!" Said an overexcited Roshni, and Asma just shook her head at her excitement. "Yes, my mother! But first take a seat and tell me about the appointment. What did the doctor say?" Asked Asma, making her sit beside her. Listening about the doctor, she burns out in laughter. Asma was looking at her puzzled laughing like a maniac. "What happened, Ro?" Said a bemused Asma pausing her laughing fits. Roshni just looked and was trying to say but ended up laughing again.

Composing herself and controlling her laughter, she just narrated the incident in detail, starting from the doctor giving her special attention until his reaction on getting to know that she's married and how Shruti recorded it all. Asma on hearing it, just burst out in laughter again. "Omg!!!! Are you serious???" Said Asma in between her laughs. Roshni just gave a nod in response, and both of them again burst out into laughter. As they were laughing, Noorie entered inside and saw them laughing.  She just entered inside and waited for them to notice her, but they were busy in their laughing session without any care in the world. She just cleared her throat to gain their attention.

Both of them stared at the intruder who disturbed their laughing session. Noorie just jumped on the bed and took a seat in between them. "Noorie, be careful with Ro's hand." Said Asma reprimanding her. "And Asma's leg too," added Roshni further. "Yes, my mama bears. Sorry, I'll be careful from next time. Now, just tell me the reason for you both laughing like that." said Noorie, asking the reason for them laughing. This time, it was Asma who took the initiative and described the occurings in detail. She mentioned everything, according to what Roshni has told her.  The doctor's reaction, which was mentioned by her , including about Shruti, who recorded the whole situation. Noorie just like them burst out in laughing fits, and the two again joined her. "Just tell Shuti to send the recording to me," said Noorie, and earned a disbelief look from Asma.

"This was the same reaction that I gave when Mani asked her the same, and she too agreed and sent it to him." Said Roshni shaking her head at them. "Fantastic then, I'm going to take it from Armaan, bro." Said Noorie looking at them. "You madam! Don't you have to get ready?" Said Noorie looking at Asma. "What the hell!!!  This is not at all fair. Except for me, Shaan has told everyone. This time, I'm really angry." Said Asma huffing and pouting and crossing her arms on her chest and turning to the other side. Noorie and Roshni just shook their head at the dramatic Asma, who's even more drama queen than them. They looked at each other and signalled each other from their eyes. Roshni just started counting loudly from 3.

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