CHAPTER 1️⃣6️⃣

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           *AUTHORS POV*

After bidding Arsalan and Sara, the group joined the party again.  Ishaan and Ahaan were conversing while Armaan & Roshni were bickering, and the sisters' duo was enjoying. While, Rehan was thinking about Arsalan and Sara and how Sara declined his help. Meanwhile, Shruti was looking at Armaan and Roshni with a mischievous glint in her eyes remembering the jealous Armaan, who was burning in jealousy looking at Roshni and Rehan conversing and she just ignited the flame  before the occurrence of the commotion, totally shipping them and Asad shook his head at his small and cute, cupid wife.

Before the commotion,

Rehan was unable to find Sara; as he was searching for her, he spotted Roshni, who was talking to Noorie. "Hey, Roshni. When did you arrive? You are looking really beautiful, " said Rehan while complimenting her. "Thanks, sir. You are also looking good."  Said Roshni, giving him a compliment of her own. "Have you seen Sara anywhere? I lost sight of her while greeting some people." Asked Rehan. " No, sir. We were also actually looking for her. I was about to come to you asking about her."  Said Roshni. Here at the other end of the party's venue, a very jealous Armaan was looking at the conversing duo aka Roshni and Rehan who were all smiles while talking to each other making him to tighten the hold on the glass from which he was drinking some juice.

( I haven't mentioned drinking and smoking, as I personally hate it.  No offence to the one who took it  but as a medical student, I would strongly suggest you avoid it🙏🚭🚫  My story is absolutely clean with no obscene content mentioned, not even about something related to smoking and alcohol )

"They are looking nice, aren't they?" Said someone from behind, getting a bit violent reaction from him. "NO, they don't." Said Armaan, earning quite amused glances along with a grinning Shruti catching him red-handed and Asad shaking his head at his wife's antics who successfully riled up a jolly Armaan "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. And go there claim your rights rather than sulking here looking from afar." Said Shruti, riling him up further, making Asad stare at Armaan worriedly, who was standing beside her. "By the rights, i meant the right as her date for today." Cleared Shruti. "And by the way, Rehan bears stroong feelings for her." Shruti added further.

Armaan rushed towards them, unaware of Shruti's little lie. "But didn't that Rehan like Sara, then why did you lie to Armaan?" asked Asad, staring at his wife. "My dear innocent husband. You are too dumb for being a P.A, who is excellent in it," said Shruti to poor Asad, who's confused about how to react to this comment from his wife. Be happy for complenting him or sad for being called dumb.  Armaan stormed towards Rehan , who was so engrossed in talking to Roshni without realising the surroundings. "Can I steal my date cum girlfriend for a minute?" Said Armaan excusing themselves from a confused Rehan. "WTH! (What the heck) How dare you? This is the second time you called me your girlfriend. Can't you see I was talking to Rehan sir?" Exclaimed a furious Roshni upon being dragged by Armaan. "You should stay away from him. I dont like his intentions. Didn't you see, how he was sticking with you laughing and getting close. Moreover, I heard that he has feelings for you" said Armaan referring to Shruti's statement.

"What? You dumb, psycho, irritating fellow. Who told you this nonsense? Rehan, sir, don't have any ill intentions, and it was just a friendly chat." Said Roshni cursing him. "How are you so sure about that?" Asked Armaan. "Because he likes Sara. You idiot. Congrats, you were successfully fooled by someone." Said a furious Roshni with a sarcastic smile. "WHAT?" Said a now nervous looking Armaan trying to find the person who lied to him. "Who told you that, first tell me? I wanted to see them personally, " said Roshni, taking a predatory step towards him. "It's not my fault actually, you know. She told me about this, I swear I'm not lying," said Armaan trying to defend himself. "And who is this she?" Asked Roshni. "I forgot about her name but she's Arsal I mean Arsalan's P.A., Asad's wife"  said Armaan explaining further. "Seriously, are you kidding me? You just came in her lie without even knowing her personally. Who made you the C.E.O of your company?" Said Roshni mocking him. "I'm really sorry, Sunshinewas. Please forgive me. I promise, next time, I'll confirm before approaching you like this, " said an apologetic Armaan. "Unbelievable, you talking about next time too. And that nickname again, " said Roshni, rolling her eyes.

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