CHAPTER 7️⃣1️⃣

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              *AUTHORS POV*

As soon as the person walked along the venue  the lights illuminated, making the face of the person glow. The people present there were awestruck looking at her. Yes, if you're guesses are correct then it's Sara who walked along the party hall looking like a fairy dressed in a sparkly and elegant half sari which increased the glow on her face more and Arsalan was just gone case looking at her. He was staring at her in awe, staring at his Seher, who looked not less than a fairy. Absolutely regal and elegant. As she entered,  the lights, too, were back shortly, which literally meant the saying she brought the light with her. The elder ones were looking at her adoration. Seerat and Grandma  warded the evil eyes off her numerous times in their mind, and Saransh and Samrat were looking at their doll with pride.

"I'm sorry for the interruption and the inconvenience which has been caused due to the problem that had been arised. So, before this cut-off, We were on the introductory speech and the felicitations our new chairperson who has graced us with their presence along with their trusted employers. So, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome on the stage the new chairman oops my bad the new chairwoman DR. SARA SEHER KHAN." Said Arsalan dropping a bomb which literally caused the blast in many people's soul & minds, including Murat, who was literally rooted at the spot listening to it. He wasn't able to believe his ears. Did he just hear it correctly? Was the only thing that was roaming in his mind. The hospital staff were too shocked at this new revelation. The person who weren't shocked were the group along with Samrat & Seerat but proud and was standing straight as if they already know, about the bomb that had been dropped a while ago including Rajeev, he too doesn't looked shocked at all as if already expecting Sara to be the one.

Samrat & Seerat stood like proud parents looking at their  children's achievement. Saransh, too, looked proud along with Samaira. The other couples, which included ArNi, IshMaara, HaaNoor, and ShruSad, along with Arsalan, were looking proud at her achievement and were standing with pride shining in their eyes with a big smile adorning on their faces. The nurses who were badmouthing her looked like they were being electrocuted. Murat has  gotten so shocked with his legs literally moving with a sensation that he tried to stand. The people around him were shocked. Hearing such shocking news people usually sit with a thump, but this will be the first case in which  listening to shocking news makes you stand up on your feet.

( Ps.🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don't bash on me guys, I just found a hilarious situation on giving Murat his walking ability back... Unique and different, isn't it??😁😁😁)

Meanwhile, Sara went to the stage crossing all the barriers like a lioness, walking up the the stage with her head held high as made many of the males to look at her in awe which irked Arsalan the most. He clenched his fist, glaring in their direction, making them confused at his reaction. The family were enjoying their drinks along with the reactions that they're getting from the people present, making them amused. Grandma and Samrat saw a glimpse of Seher and Azlan in her, making their eyes moist. The game is already started, with their plan carefully webbed out and they were just waiting for the enemy to leave his defence and come in the light instead of hiding  They were all behind this hospital and she had played her move so wisely that the hospital is under her control right into her fist.

Meanwhile, a girl just called Noorie, making her turn towards her. "Oh, Shahnoor! How are you? It's been so long. Did you remember me? We were in the university together, and I was your batch mate, too. Suhani Mittal." Said the girl looking at her. "Oh, yes. I remember. I'm fine, Suhani. How have you been?" said Noorie, greeting her politely. "I'm good, too. So you're here with someone. I meant to say that, are you invited or an extended invitation, as in someone's date?" Said Suhani looking at her. "I'm actually, in a sense, both. My brother Arsalan Khan is the host, and I'm here as a date with my fiancée, he's invited too. Look there he is, Haan, come here please." said Noorie, looking at her and calling Ahaan.

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