CHAPTER 5️⃣8️⃣

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             *AUTHORS POV*

Armaan was just running behind Roshni, who was walking in full speed without taking a break as poor Armaan, despite his full speed, wasn't able to match her speed. "Sunshine! Sunshine, please wait!" excalimed Armaan. Roshni just went to the parking and made her way to the car and waited till Armaan opened the door. Armaan reached the parking, panting and huffing loudly as he ran very fast to catch her, but she's just standing here without even breaking a sweat. Looking at her, the only thought revolving in his mind  is how he needs to go to the gym as he's going out of shape.

Roshni was looking at him staring at her face and panting. "Keys," she said while forwarding her hands, to which he silently kept the key. "Sunshine, I can drive, your hand -" Armaan was cut off again as she showed her hand to him. He just kept a finger on his mouth like a child and was waiting to see what she was doing. She just opened the passenger's door and took a seat and just put the keys in the cars. Armaan silently went inside and started the car as they were driving it was just complete silence. While they were going, he just suddenly parked the car near an ice-cream parlour. He went out and opened Roshni's car door, urging her to get out of it. But she was not ready to move an inch.

"Sunshine, you know I can take you inside by lifting you up. Do you want me to do that?" Said Armaan looking at her. She just stared at him in horror cause she knew that he would do it as he had done it before. She stomped out and went inside and took a seat. Armaan went to the counter and brought two cups of ice cream and forwarded one towards Roshni, making her eat it instantly. She just finished the whole cup along with Armaan's. "Done." Said Armaan taking a tissue and wiping her mouth. "Now tell me why my Sunshine is looking like a ticking bomb." Said Armaan looking at her.

"Why were you smiling at that witch?" Said Roshni whining looking at him. "Who?" Said Armaan puzzled. "Don't behave so innocently. That   physiotherapist she was staring at you like she would eat you at any second, and you were just smiling at her. And that witch wasn't taking a hint too just shamelessly staring at you, " said Roshni loudly, banging the table and making everyone stare at her weirdly. "WHAT? Is it a show going on? Look ahead and quietly do your work." Said Roshni loudly at the people who were staring, rolling her eyes, and a very amused Armaan felt like to bang his head on the table itself. He is thinking how in the whole world he had gotten a firecracker for a wife whose anger is worse and the jealousy level is worst of all.

"Sunshine, calm down. I talked nicely with her because she was your doctor and I don't remember her face too. The whole time, I was staring at the cute faces that you were making looking at her your frown, your eyes, your fake smiles, and the best was when you call yourself Mrs.Roshni Armaan Roy I lost my heart once more and wanted to just marry you again at the moment only, and here you are, just showering thunder on me." Said Armaan with his hands cupping his face, and he was staring at her with heart eyes, making her anger melt instantly. "You sure know how to melt me, don't you?" Said Roshni and just flashed at him a million dollar smile, and Armaan just kept his hands on his heart smiling, and Roshni fired a flying kiss at him.

Ishaan, along with Asma, went inside again and reached Sara's cabin. But it was empty, and looking at the empty cabin, they instantly knew that she's in Arsalan's cabin as they were leaving. Sara entered the cabin at the same time. "You two are done with your appointment?" Said Sara looking at them. "Yes, we're done. And now, I'm free to walk. Finally, I got rid of this ugly bandage." Said Asma rolling her eyes."Why so crude?" Said Sara taking a seat amused. Ishaan looked amazed, too, at her observation skills. He just narrated the incident to her and Asma's reaction.."Let them be, Ashu! You know we can't seal anyone's mouth. It's good that you are the one who heard them and not Roshni or Noorie and not to forget Shruti. Her pregnancy hormones had made her even more cranky and bold. She was crazy before, but now she had gone double crazy." Said Sara shaking her head with an eye roll.

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